It’s possible that the “wildfires” (which aren’t wild), occurring in countries around the world serve several purposes in regard to the WEF’s plans: incite fear of so-called global warming/climate change; destroy homes in outlying rural/suburban areas to force people to move/relocate closer to large cities; destroy forests as a source of fuel for heat, lumber for housing, etc.; and, as in the case of the fires in Maui, clear an area that’s been selected as the site of a future “Smart City”. If people lose their lives in the fires, it’s become known that their plans include reducing the global population. Most importantly, these fires will have people turning to their government for help, to “save” them. (Dependency upon government is essential to their plans.) Of course, the government will have to take steps to prevent people from rebuilding in “wildfire prone” areas; change building codes/regulations so that new housing contains only “smart” technology; etc. Many have speculated that there were changes made to zoning regulations in regard to the land that was burned in Maui. Coincidence?

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And if the threat of rising sea levels doesn’t work, there’s always fires, just like in Maui! I’m sure wildfires on the CA coast would be just as effective, burning only lower income homes and magically avoiding the homes of the elites!

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Yes, and as I mentioned, they have plans for that, too.

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Exactly! So far their test is working just fine in Maui and is now ready to implement anywhere needed. Sorta like the “Covid plandemic”, which they’re already trying to roll out again!

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Montana and Wyoming are crazy. We were looking there quite a while back and it was nuts even then. The average income was less than 40k per person, and the average home price was around $300k! Could you do that with two people making around $40k? Yes, but it would make it hard to buy gas and afford to eat.

Montana and Wyoming will be the places where people flock to when, not if, SHTF. Everyone knows that all of the richest people are buying up land there. And they can't afford *that* much security. Mobs will be headed their way at some point.

Their opulence will be their undoing. They should have just bought normal homes, and not driven prices so crazy that it's discussed on HGTV.

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The future doesn't look bright for them.

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I am observing that those at the source of all these continual problems are confident that their technology solutions will defeat and cut off 'the rest of us' at the knees. Whether by making us all too sick physically/mentally to function or with some sort of other advanced weaponry. They most certainly consider themselves to be gods. Not sure I'll live long enough to see the day when those despicable cretins will face the inevitable wrath of *the* God. But we know for sure "it is written."

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Oh wow, crazy times!

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Seems that the agreement was set up in such a way that the government can now purchase the land at a preset price. How nice. Makes me wonder what the average price is for beachfront property in that area. Is 20 million low? Or average? “ The beach could be sold back to the county for nearly $20 million, the estimated value

“Sen. Steven Bradford, who authored the state legislation that enabled the land's return, said he supported the heirs' decision to sell it to the county because current zoning regulations would prevent them from developing it in an economically beneficial manner.”

Wonder what those “current zoning regulations” are and when they were last changed.

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Maui 2.0

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The State is so... um, forward thinking, so very thoughtful and considerate 🙄

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Great article...the sound of the goose step marching is getting louder... maranatha!!

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Sounds like herding cattle … one way or another the “they” will have us where (if?) they want us!

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We have to resist the tide!

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The county in which I reside, which included within city limits property as well as outside of, now has two separate assessor websites. Until recently we were all under one. I am wondering how the property tax rates will be now. Will those of us outside of city limits be exorbitantly taxed in order to tax us out of our homes?

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The weather & the continual fires... Evidently the majority just buys into this as 'natural disasters' ... At this rate it is plain to see how the 'own nothing' mantra is penetrating into reality.

By using advanced technology and keeping it well under wraps anyone claiming it to be a plot can be deemed crazy... Same goes for the evidence of nanotechnology being deployed....

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Aug 20, 2023
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My beautiful home state in ruins. And Newsom eyeing the presidency

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