Have we all been played? Oh, yes, and then again and again. Layers of deceit, threads of truth running through them and the hope that any sane person would throw up their hands in confusion and defeat. Details don't matter at some point once you get how they do it. They just waste your time.

Time to go around all of it and make THEM obsolete.


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True!!! I just go into the mountains and hike. It always reminds me of what matters.

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Hi Karen - I can't grab an independent comment box (technical wiggerie)

No matter all the twists and turns and endless 'mind fuckery', I don't do drugs. Bottom line.

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No drugs for me.

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Me too!! Off to the woods I go. :-)

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Played? This freakin' game is in extra innings.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Checks out to me.

I’ve been operating under the theory that all governments & most institutions are menaces to humanity & society for most of my life now and an aggressive distrust of & contempt for all such organizations & “authorities” have served me exceedingly well.

Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see (until you hear an official denial). There’s no such thing as political coincidences!

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I don’t know why but this article feels like on big fat lie. The “govt good guys” warned us about a vax? The ONLY reason in my mind why they might do this is because all of freaking congress and google and everybody and their dog was invested in Moderna or Pfizer and they were not gonna let china get a piece of the $$$ pie.

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Let's see what happens next. I mean, in the bigger picture, it doesn't really matter. It's just interesting at this point to see the lengths they go to in order to confuse people.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The very first thing Jesus tells his guys in Luke 21:8 when they ask about the last days signs is to not be deceived ...remember Satan is the master of deception! Satan is the author of confusion....and with AI growing watch out for the "deep fakes"....maranatha!!

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ah, it's a scooby doo but with the same program!

so the final idear here is that US-made jabs are "great"--same message as the AmeriCons got--the only diff. is that in sayin' "our slop is better than Chynnna's slop" is that they also diss Chynna an' their CCP-made jabs--while drummin' up desire for the "all powerful" Pfffizer. I don't see this as a different narrative as it still pushes jabs...just not the sinovax... The real question is WHY bring this out now? If anything it's supposed ta pump up "our" companies in time for "the next one!"

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The Idea Of A Virus

Is Itself A Virus.

Self- Replicating

In The Presence

Of A Susceptible Mind.

Until Proven

It’s Just An Idea After All.


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The Muslim population in the Philippines is only 6.4% so…

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If you read the article the campaign extended into the Middle East.

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Bull paki

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"The Demonization of the Unvaxxed" link does not work......

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Sorry. I corrected it.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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