in the last couple of years I saw a video of a man raping a woman, shooting her in the head and keep raping her. Yesterday I saw a video of two men crucifying a christian in Syria. . I can't even think of the hostages without a sharp pain in the chest.
Can't do this anymore. I woke up this morning not wanting to live. I need to take a break from reality. Going to concentrate on pastry for the next month or so. Love you. NF
I also wanted to add these thoughts, which I have now put at the top of this essay. Please don't look at all those images, you cannot necessarily believe them:
I want to warn people that AI fakes and manipulated images are inflaming real-life fighting as Syria. Generative artificial intelligence is used to manipulate footage and alter voices to produce "highly provocative and graphic content."
There is no doubt that Syria has seen its worst violence since the dictatorship fell. However, the public is being emotionally manipulated beyond what is true. I am very careful not to sensationalize my reporting. Sometimes, I make mistakes, but I would never purposely say something just to get an emotional reaction.
People were offended when I said I did not believe all the videos and images coming out of Ukraine. But if I cannot verify them, I am well aware that now, we cannot believe what we see. This is a fact.
I commend you for saying this, Karen. War propaganda showing the worst kind of atrocities has been used since WW1, regardless of whether they were taking place or not. The British famously used a cartoon of a lecherous German soldier grabbing a virginal-looking "little Belgium".
In WW2 Goebbels, the master of propaganda, used the same cartoons, but aimed at the Jews.
Now the internet is our media, repeating the same tropes with AI. Real life is surely horrific enough when it comes to war.
The other aspect of war propaganda is its pornographic nature. Some people literally can't get enough of it. During the Balkans war, David Bowie notoriously purchased a painting showing two soldiers raping a woman while holding her head in a toilet. Celebrities don't have clean hands when it comes to this.
As for the two you mention, (Tucker & Candace) I am on GETTR with 7500 followers, and am a daily user of the site, for the last 2 years. I regularly chat with Americans you would consider far right. I NEVER see any of them bigging up those two, If they are mentioned, they are ridiculed.
In the case of Tucker, people only watch him for his guests. For example, his interview with Putin, which I found very amusing, seeing Tucker forced to listen to a half hour history lesson before he could ask a question!
“I will bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” - Genesis 12:3 TLV
I would not want to be on the wrong side of this as a Christ follower. God gave Israel to the Jewish people. I think Tucker is searching, but he also has a healthy ego and is influenced by others who also have healthy egos. Pride comes before the fall. Jesus is the perfect model of humility, and He is God.
Shaalu Sh’lom Yerushalayim (Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem) 🙏🏻♥️🇮🇱
1 Peter 5:8: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
Revelation 12:12: "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.".
We pray for Israel and our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East 🙏🏻
Please read the whole chapter of Psalms 83. All these nations will see clamity and devastation. "That men may know that the God of Israel, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, are the Most High over all the Earth." - verse 18
" when these things begin to come to pass, lift up your heads, because your redemption draweth nigh! Yes, there are parts of this waiting time that are painful and scary, and it will get worse before it gets better! But the end will,be wonderful!
When I first started warning about Tucker Carlson, many people were upset and didn't want to believe it. I had appreciated him during Covid for giving the perspective the MSM didn't allow. But wow, he really went down the drain fast.
I do believe in prayer so thank you for your prayers for those who suffer.
Hey Karen I'm glad you got your voice back... once again your writing is so special and so accurate and so true thank you Jesus for that... yes things are coming to an end( Isaiah 17:1 I think is in the picture soon I think) I love Israel so much they're Gods chosen people (thank God us Gentiles are grafted in because of what Jesus did at the cross ) and big dummies like Candice Owens and Tucker Carlson really don't understand who they're messing with but they're going to find out soon...Maranatha!!
My entire life there was no question, simply none, as a Christian, that we love Isreal, that we stand with Israel and with the Jewish people. It is truly shocking how this Jew hatred is now originating from people who call themselves Christians. It's painful because it gives a completely false impression of what it means to be a Christian and people are just lapping it up. I am so thankful for you and so many others who stand firm in the truth. Maranatha!
Heartbreakin' an' tragic what's goin' on in Syria... an' as ya said, it's not "da joos" doin' it--I cannot FATHOM the level of CON-voeux-LOOTED mis-direct-shun.... it's bad. I heard too that Israel should now be blamed fer not schtoppin' these assaults. Cwazy. How could Israel have prevented this from happenin'? I don't see it.... nor wuz it explained... An' yet "thousands cheer" (in the com-mint section)
Anywhoo... yer support fer Israel an' we joos who seem ta be in the crosshairs now 24/7 (yeesh!) means a lot Karen! Most've us were raised ta love our Christian brothers an' sisters wherever they, abroad--taught ta feel at one with all good people in the world--we sang 'bout peace... brotherhood.... L.O.V.E. I 'member prayers an' sermons in synagogue for all different "peoples" as we called 'em, all round the world. We were raised with open hearts...yet these terrorists funded by Qatar don't appear ta be "good pee-pull" if I dare say it. Not feel much lover fer 'em or what they've done...
Short comment t'day as I've got mah hands full fer the moment with fambly stuff, but here's a rilly good piece onnit ta comply-mint yers:
in the last couple of years I saw a video of a man raping a woman, shooting her in the head and keep raping her. Yesterday I saw a video of two men crucifying a christian in Syria. . I can't even think of the hostages without a sharp pain in the chest.
Can't do this anymore. I woke up this morning not wanting to live. I need to take a break from reality. Going to concentrate on pastry for the next month or so. Love you. NF
I understand. I hope you will still read my Reflections for a Sunday. And my Egypt Files. I bake bread. Pastry is a great idea! ❤️
I also wanted to add these thoughts, which I have now put at the top of this essay. Please don't look at all those images, you cannot necessarily believe them:
I want to warn people that AI fakes and manipulated images are inflaming real-life fighting as Syria. Generative artificial intelligence is used to manipulate footage and alter voices to produce "highly provocative and graphic content."
There is no doubt that Syria has seen its worst violence since the dictatorship fell. However, the public is being emotionally manipulated beyond what is true. I am very careful not to sensationalize my reporting. Sometimes, I make mistakes, but I would never purposely say something just to get an emotional reaction.
People were offended when I said I did not believe all the videos and images coming out of Ukraine. But if I cannot verify them, I am well aware that now, we cannot believe what we see. This is a fact.
I commend you for saying this, Karen. War propaganda showing the worst kind of atrocities has been used since WW1, regardless of whether they were taking place or not. The British famously used a cartoon of a lecherous German soldier grabbing a virginal-looking "little Belgium".
In WW2 Goebbels, the master of propaganda, used the same cartoons, but aimed at the Jews.
Now the internet is our media, repeating the same tropes with AI. Real life is surely horrific enough when it comes to war.
The other aspect of war propaganda is its pornographic nature. Some people literally can't get enough of it. During the Balkans war, David Bowie notoriously purchased a painting showing two soldiers raping a woman while holding her head in a toilet. Celebrities don't have clean hands when it comes to this.
As for the two you mention, (Tucker & Candace) I am on GETTR with 7500 followers, and am a daily user of the site, for the last 2 years. I regularly chat with Americans you would consider far right. I NEVER see any of them bigging up those two, If they are mentioned, they are ridiculed.
In the case of Tucker, people only watch him for his guests. For example, his interview with Putin, which I found very amusing, seeing Tucker forced to listen to a half hour history lesson before he could ask a question!
So sorry for your grief. The evil in this world is beyond comprehension.
your feelings are the same as mine.
“I will bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” - Genesis 12:3 TLV
I would not want to be on the wrong side of this as a Christ follower. God gave Israel to the Jewish people. I think Tucker is searching, but he also has a healthy ego and is influenced by others who also have healthy egos. Pride comes before the fall. Jesus is the perfect model of humility, and He is God.
Shaalu Sh’lom Yerushalayim (Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem) 🙏🏻♥️🇮🇱
1 Peter 5:8: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
Revelation 12:12: "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.".
We pray for Israel and our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East 🙏🏻
Please read the whole chapter of Psalms 83. All these nations will see clamity and devastation. "That men may know that the God of Israel, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, are the Most High over all the Earth." - verse 18
" when these things begin to come to pass, lift up your heads, because your redemption draweth nigh! Yes, there are parts of this waiting time that are painful and scary, and it will get worse before it gets better! But the end will,be wonderful!
Amen. 🙏
Yes it’s an awful subject, but I loved hearing your voice! Keep healing, Karen.
Ah, so sweet. Thank you ❤️
Karen, I do not listen to Tucker or Candace Owens. I think they are bent.... not right.
This is so horrible that is just goes on and on.
These people are evil.
I pray for those suffering every day.
When I first started warning about Tucker Carlson, many people were upset and didn't want to believe it. I had appreciated him during Covid for giving the perspective the MSM didn't allow. But wow, he really went down the drain fast.
I do believe in prayer so thank you for your prayers for those who suffer.
Hey Karen I'm glad you got your voice back... once again your writing is so special and so accurate and so true thank you Jesus for that... yes things are coming to an end( Isaiah 17:1 I think is in the picture soon I think) I love Israel so much they're Gods chosen people (thank God us Gentiles are grafted in because of what Jesus did at the cross ) and big dummies like Candice Owens and Tucker Carlson really don't understand who they're messing with but they're going to find out soon...Maranatha!!
My entire life there was no question, simply none, as a Christian, that we love Isreal, that we stand with Israel and with the Jewish people. It is truly shocking how this Jew hatred is now originating from people who call themselves Christians. It's painful because it gives a completely false impression of what it means to be a Christian and people are just lapping it up. I am so thankful for you and so many others who stand firm in the truth. Maranatha!
Heartbreakin' an' tragic what's goin' on in Syria... an' as ya said, it's not "da joos" doin' it--I cannot FATHOM the level of CON-voeux-LOOTED mis-direct-shun.... it's bad. I heard too that Israel should now be blamed fer not schtoppin' these assaults. Cwazy. How could Israel have prevented this from happenin'? I don't see it.... nor wuz it explained... An' yet "thousands cheer" (in the com-mint section)
Anywhoo... yer support fer Israel an' we joos who seem ta be in the crosshairs now 24/7 (yeesh!) means a lot Karen! Most've us were raised ta love our Christian brothers an' sisters wherever they, abroad--taught ta feel at one with all good people in the world--we sang 'bout peace... brotherhood.... L.O.V.E. I 'member prayers an' sermons in synagogue for all different "peoples" as we called 'em, all round the world. We were raised with open hearts...yet these terrorists funded by Qatar don't appear ta be "good pee-pull" if I dare say it. Not feel much lover fer 'em or what they've done...
Short comment t'day as I've got mah hands full fer the moment with fambly stuff, but here's a rilly good piece onnit ta comply-mint yers:
yay fer yer voice recoverin'!
I wanna be a famous hockey player. How much does it cost to hire one of these fake journalists, Tucker Carlson types, to convince the world?
I can buy a hockey stick if I have to.