reading this article reminds me of "Zero K" ― a great little novel by Don DeLillo about the kind of religion where technology (promising the transcendence of the flesh) replaces God...

“Haven't you felt it? The loss of autonomy. The sense of being virtualized. The devices you use, the ones you carry everywhere, room to room, minute to minute, inescapably. Do you ever feel unfleshed?"

“I'd never felt more human than I did when my mother lay in bed, dying. This was not the frailty of a man who is said to be 'only human,' subject to a weakness or a vulnerability. This was a wave of sadness and loss that made me understand that I was a man expanded by grief.”

“What’s the point of living if we don’t die at the end of it?”― Don DeLillo /Zero K

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Wow. I will have to read that.

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Amen, Karen! But we know GOD WINS! Won’t those “elites” and “scientists” be surprised...unless they wake up and accept the ONLY WAY, TRUTH, AND LIFE, Y’shua...sadly, though all nature, yea the universe itself, proclaims HIs Holy Name, many if not all are already possessed by the evil ruler of this world, and will one day join him as they wish, eternally separated from their and our omnipotent Creator. It breaks His heart, as it should break ours, thus we are called to stand for TRUTH. Thank you for helping enlighten all who have open hearts and minds. 💔🙏❤️

You are the best, Karen! God bless!🙏

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The ramifications of this are endlessly horrifying. I was not aware of the rapid "progress" made in the field of synthetic embryos, so thank you for laying out what's going on. I keep coming back to the same question, over and over: what can we do?

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I wanted to respond to this but I got sidetracked. The best thing anyone can do is practice what they preach in their neighborhoods,.with their families,.friends,.communities. That's how change happens. One person at a time. This is a long term war, not one battle that will be won within our lifetime. That's just my opinion. Other people might see it differently.

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You're right, I'm sure. I'm not a very patient person when it comes to injustice, I find, so the prospect of not seeing real, efficacious action in my lifetime kind of makes me mental. (And I value your opinion so, so highly, Karen. Thanks for the response.)

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I think the most important thing for people to do is to prepare to be self sufficient during the transition. Like with the great depression those who had gardens and were able to survive were ultimately the ones who challenged the system. We need to make sure that enough people survive to create the change needed. The Mayan prophecy says that a new earth will be created by 2100 by the rainbow children which rids the world of evil. Therefore if enough people focus on this and manifest the change, it is possible we may help pave the way in our lifetime for children being born now and the next generation. Stoping the vaccines for children is critical for this, I feel.

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Agreed! Parallel communities are essential, you are so right. I keep feeling I need to do more, but perhaps that's all anyone can do -- resistance through survival and making the highest choices. Oh, and asking for help from Source!

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Just noticed your substack. Looks like you are doing a lot to help and you have a clear channel of the collective. You are a fabulous writer from the few articles I looked at. Forgive me for being coachy, but do you mind if I ask you why you feel you need to do more? What does your soul crave in terms of what you feel led to accomplish or what would you most want to change, if you could? You don't need to answer, but maybe it might help you discover a new way to navigate your role. I believe we all came here with a preassigned role and sometimes when we feel like we aren't doing enough it's because we are on slightly the wrong path on how we are directing our energy. I noticed msm is talking about starseeds right now and maybe writing something from the spiritual aspect of the resistance and sending it off to editors could be a something you would be able to channel. I'm also a tantra eductor and I think the problem with getting people on the left to wake up is most of the info is coming at a frequency which means it's hard to hear. It's really aggressive and it doesn't come from the heart. Many people are blaming the right, when just as many people on the left are concerned. However I am only just seeing the left find their voice and calling to action others in their communities. I would love to write something like this, but I fight human trafficking and my energy is not in alignment as Im so angry. But this is what I have seen is needed and I believe you have the skills to do it really well :)

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Wow. I'm kind of astonished how quickly you dove straight to the heart of my internal quandary! Your questions and observations, all of them, are spot-on. I'm planning on taking some time to sit with all of it in the next few weeks, as I'm taking a break from my regular schedule to detox from digital and renew my connection to nature. Your presence couldn't have come at a better time, Niki. Thank you for all your good thoughts!

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We are totally vibing on the same frequency (getting super chills as I write this) as about 20 mins ago something pulled me to check substack and this message came 25 minutes ago! I've only just joined substack and I'm sure the universe led me to this sub and whatever you do as a result will be amazing! Sending you lots of love and light and I look forward to following your journey here on substack.

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Love and light back atcha...🌟

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I mediate every day and ask source what I need to do. Sometimes I call political leaders, sometimes I call agencies, sometimes I watch movies with my mom. I think we all have a calling right now and for some people that's just to make someone else smile. For others it's to share their personal story or like you said, make the preparation to be used by the creator in the future. I had a period where I was begging source to use me and instead they led me to all these great experiences which led me to be recognized by the industry. It felt very selfish and indulgent. Now when I make my calls, people listen to my experience. You will know if you are meant to do more if you truly ask for guidance in a way that ask what the universe needs, not what you need. If that makes sense?

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Makes total sense, Niki. I love this, thank you.

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I'm doing the gateway experience mediations - it's 25 CDs and you can get them on eBay, if you are looking for deeper ways to connect to the energy of your body and the astral plane. It's part of the CIA research and it's pretty advanced stuff compared to the mainstream programs we often see.

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"Blessed are the meek, for they will (by their actions, impart an) inherit(tance upon) the earth".

Which is another way of saying our actions continue to seek an answer to the question as defined by Darwin: What is most fitting.

In the meakness of nature asking this one question over and over we find it's power. The choice for the thing most fitting is what imparts inherittance upon the earth.

I don't see how these questions change in a post human (post natural) world.

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People scoff at Jesus because he had to be self-reliant, and couldn't rely on the state to give him tech to make him live forever. The human body is more powerful than we know, but all is and shall be revealed in time by modern healers using ancient technologies. Here's to the Superhuman Race!

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Your articles take on such daunting subjects and always leave me better educated and also seem to help me organize and clarify my own thoughts on these subjects. And your spiritual references help solidify my reliance on my Father in heaven and my connection with my fellow humans. Thank you for the light of your work- it is critical to share the light in these dark times. Thank you and Bless you.

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Another great reflection Karen, so important to do now. I am a composer, and art has benn since the beginning, a beautiful space of creation and a clear mirror to look at our image.

The most beautiful experience when composing, is to listen to the sound, the miracle to interact with this other dimension, a dimension who is "inside" us (as God it is), but it is not a reflection of our thoughts and desires, but something who integrate a more complex inner reality, a more intertwinned expression.

It is clear that "perfection" -a mirror of our thoughts and logic mind- is something boring and static, and then a reflection of our ego as own idea of ourselfes (then the competition and the race of academics to achieve a more technical complexity who diferentiate them to the others, obtaining prestige through out technical perfection...and possiblely making others feel less).

On the other side, "imperfection" own the quality of a more trascendental beauty (look at zen art for example), and is inherently humble, dinamic, inspiring others to take action, because it is a wave of energy and life! sometimes simple, sometimes complex, but these are not the central point: it is the beauty of an unthinkable -or unseeing- aspect of the universe.

Back to the "scientists", they seems to be brainy puppets of the "elitists", without ethics or moral, desperate to fulfill their inner emptiness with the progress of their ideas and searchs, thie only focus!, without questioning the basics of their goals and in which historical-social-politic-financial context they work for, and to whom they will give the results of their experiments. And they never look at the big landscape: it would be devastating for their ambitions.

But as you suggest in some way in the article, the "elitists" (philanthropats, governments, supranational entities, and co.) are now intertwinned with AI (look for example Blacrock and their algorythms and the ESG nightmare, the Metaverse, the bastard algorythms controling the Internet itself, the Banks and the digital modelation, the CBDCs and the prison of digital identification ID).

AI has no ethic nor moral, has no empathy at all, and nothing for it has an special value : all are only variables to them to work on, with the hability of learning fast and acting even faster in simultaneous fronts at the same time, coordinated .... It is not an impressive similarity with what we feel with the actual attack on humanity and nature?

AI + Psycopaths and sociopaths in charge, I think has constructed the psituation we are now living -and trying to stop.

They has not the hability to instantaneously be enlightned and create something unexpected, improvise, being flexible, and to LOVE.

Creativity and empathy are our strengths.

We must defeat the AI+Psycopath tyranny. First beginning to understand, as you propose Karen, understanding them and their goals (depopulation, step to step, word by word, restriction plus restriction, etc), and exposing them, every act of domination or intend of domination.

But creating our own narrative and world, and don´t following them, don´t accepting the rulers and their rules: the game must change.

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Beautifully expressed

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I thought you might like this:


I found the stupid/nightmare mindclone book on an airport take-a-book-leave-a-book shelf when the book I had brought with me was "The Golum" lol.

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You wonder why people don't look to Jesus and his teachings for human spiritual direction. Perhaps it is because the entrenched social control form of religion and its patriarchal (top-down messaging) residues are no longer useful for human behavioral and moral control. Those of us who are expanding our consciousnesses can connect with Jesus without the sin, guilt, punishment or redemption matrix. This Jesus is the mystic Christ that transcends religion. This is a time where the old forms must pass away so that the new forms congruent with our emotional and spiritual awakening can be created. Most people looking for direction are told (subconsciously or consciously via media) that it can be found in the marketplace by visionary entrepreneurs creating new forms of science and technology. But this is just another religion, the religion of Scientism. It will not take hold either, as we are moving beyond the devotional simplistic aspect of following and compliance into taking our divine rights and power of choice as individuals. And then, together we can form a synergy, a community of diversity, with respect, love, and equality that gives us access to a higher level of divine love. Here, Jesus and other Christed beings can walk among us and activate our greater creative powers without being heretics and attacked. We will feel the peace, the harmony, and the safety to be ourselves, the unique spark of God that we are. Right now we can imagine this reality and it's in our minds, giving us an ideal to move towards. But as we personally move towards this idea, we will have to let go of our own old structures and watch the old limitations come down in the world. The transhumanists are trying to do this through technology but they are missing the love, so it will not come to be. And besides, we are dreaming a different future, and that's the future track we will be walking on. I could go into how reality holds possibilities, probabilities and how our consciousnesses create personal realities based on our beliefs, choices, and feelings, how there are infinite futures, and how as divine beings we are loved throughout our struggles to find the path that is our truth, but that is a whole story in itself. Yet, it is where we are going, who we are becoming, and now is the time for this grand change.

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I always appreciate your sentiments and thoughts. The problem for me here is that there are people who've been wired up, have brain chips, are connected to the cloud, have body area networks and neuromorphic chips and are remotely controlled, are neurally surveilled 24/7 and who are tortured for ‘neural recordings.’ These are the people who are forced to live with transhumanists’ agenda because they were nonconsensually fed into WEF/Darpa experiments. These people, such as myself, know betted than anyone what transhumanism means and the dark totalitarian dreams of Darpa/NIH plotters. Their realities are not merely conceptual hells. They ARE hells. And their voices are missing from every debate and article about transhumanism. And frankly there will not be any overcoming ‘transhumanism’ until their voices and warnings are heard. Unbelievably evil, dark, cruelties are occurring. Congress knows but serves its corporate masters. Jim Jordan knows. Kevin McCarthy has known since at least 2007. There is literally no one in Congress serving the people. Jordan rails about Twitter censorship. Marjorie Greene tweets about her TV being hacked. Both are aware humans are being horrifically experimented on and tortured. Both remain silent. The US has a stealth holocaust occurring that bodes techno fascistic slavery. And everyone keeps writing as though it’s all conceptual. Refusing to face the truth is enabling the world to fall farther into a hellish industrial-style China-like totalitarianism.

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It's interesting how these people with cluster b personality disorders view the potential of humans as they lack the basic ability to connect to the nature of the biomagnetic field. They feel we need AI to evolve as they themself are unable to open their pineal gland and connect to the collective consciousness, like we are seeing so many like you, Karen do. I believe they may be attempting to highjack the term for people who are ascending in consciousness from 3D to 5D as ultimately this will be a battle between superhumans and transhuman. By calling transhuman people (who have had their DNA changed to cDNA) it removes the stigma and 'sells' the concept. But the laws in the 2012 supreme court ruling are clear that these people will be owned by the patent holder and they will not have human rights... So how can they be called superhuman?

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Finally we now have two options for how we want to terminate our spectacular existence...


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