has anyone noticed that Decrepit Joe has fully embraced the Dark Brandon motif?

talk about laying the evil out on the table for all to see.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Biden 's so called cognitive deficits are fake to cover a lucid destruction of the US

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great essay, Karen. On the pulse!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Amen Sister! You are inspiring others to be "uncontrollable"- you support your battle cry with intelligent and well researched words- you have traveled all over the world and have much personal experience- we must be uncontrollable TOGETHER- we must unite! We must remember the great numbers of us - that is our power

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

After reading about Victoria White, it is sadly obvious that the US really has been taken over. Also, to think that biden is allowed to be running for president again just really says all you need to know. He is truly the laughing stock of the world and well he should be but for it being so unbearably sad for our country.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Absolutely amazing article, Karen. I don't have cable so I only saw Tucker in videos shared in various venues. Like you, I didn't always agree, but he may eventually completely get there. He still holds on to some of his illusions, but it's very painful to change everything. I still struggle with believing how degenerate and corrupt the world has become. Thank God I still see glimmers of kindness and love in my life so I don't become completely brittle and hardened. Your site and other commentors help me keep some balance. Welcome back to this very sick country; we need you.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I can hear the goose step marching getting louder......

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Nailed it.

"Let’s be ‘uncontrollable’."

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I understand the Dems are not allowing a Democratic Pres. debate this year.....guess they can't allow Biden on his own....quite telling.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Banking crisis created by the few dozen who can profit from it. . . .

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"What a foolish young woman. A pawn in the hands of her controllers." That is spot on but you are generous donning her 'foolish' as if she is innocent. Early on during the lockdowns I watched a documentary on Netflix that followed, I think, three Democrat candidates for political offices. There was sweat, tears, and grit - except for the AOC campaign. She and her crew were picture-perfect from start to end. I was perplexed (this was while still naive.) It all seemed contrived and about making her look glamorous, smart, and hip including the silly shot of her and her boyfriend riding scooters around D.C. Later I heard about her audition to run. I wonder if showing make-up tricks was part of it? And it all makes sense following Herbert Marcuse's logic. As he explained in an interview with Bryan Magee, women may be a construct, but their feminine wiles would prove useful to spreading the neo-Marxist philosophy. Acting on behalf of her controllers, AOC is merely carrying forth the tenets contained in his essay 'Repressive Tolerance.'

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Here's a comment I posted today on the Midwestern Doctors substack:

I too heard the prescient comment by Kevin Roberts to Tucker about "things going south at FOX," but it could also easily refer to the remaining bits of individual freedom left in the US as we're quickly devolving into a fascist/Stalinist AI hellhole. It might be helpful to understand how censorship and biosecurity surveillance are "tools" in the global governance toolbox. To comprehend why things went to hell in a handbasket so quickly we need to look back at September 2019 when the repo market was falling apart and the Federal Reserve injected tens of billions into those markets. The banksters were concerned about another 2008 disaster or worse. Enter COVID and the lockdowns transferring trillions of middle-class dollars to the wealthiest scum. Add to this unsavory mixture the multi-trillion dollar management asset firms, the biggest being BlackRock. Actually, they were probably the masterminds behind this financial money grabbing operation. Oh and isn't it coincidental, that "Event 201" a John Hopkins scamdemic exercise including the WEF and the Gates Foundation also took place during September 2019. One must understand when things are collapsing, it's the perfect time to kill many birds with one stone. But more importantly, all the various ghouls want a piece of the action. So the scamdemic was needed as a way to extract wealth from the middle-class and the draconian protocols associated with the scamdemic gave the justification for establishing a biosecurity state. Censorship is just another tool. But I digress from mentioning some other extremely important info. BlackRock is a revolving door similar to the MIC. Executives who work at BlackRock eventually find their way into key spots in the government. Biden's Administration was no slouch about hiring ex-BlackRock executives for example, Brian Deese serves on the National Economic Council, Adewale Adeyemo is the top official at the Treasury Department and Michael Pyle is now the chief economic advisor to Kamala Harris. It's obvious, these freshly minted bureaucrats are their to shape economic policies which benefit predator BlackRock whose trillions in assets are more than the GDP of most countries except China. Btw, BlackRock is heavily invested in China and Fink its manager has said on more than one occasion that he'd love to replicate China's biosecurity surveillance state as liberal democracies are messy. Now the dots can be connected-- the scamdemic was a "shock doctrine" designed to disorientate billions worldwide. This was accomplished by locking down populations in some places like China for many months at a time; relentless mask wearing; phony PCR testing; mandating an experimental toxin that didn't prevent contraction or transmission of COVID; and of course Soviet-style censorship. The MSM propaganda campaign machine was not that difficult to setup as the ghouls already had the stooges in place who were experts on warmongering, so they just applied their bullshit tirades to the "war on COVID." The idea was to "create insanity" and they accomplished that objective. That's why it might appear that we're living in an "open-air mental asylum." The crazier the better as you'll be more receptive to believing lies rather than your own eyes. And once you're totally incoherent you'll lose your crtical thinking skills. To put it simply, they want you to become a compliant docile schmuck. Now getting back to Tucker, the finance mobsters said he had to go. Notice how he was fired a day before Creepy Joe's official announcement about running again in 2024. All the gangsters want Biden installed again, even if it requires taxidermy and a remote ventriloquist. They can't take a chance that Tucker's relentless acerbic monolgues and outspoken guests will jeopardize their plans. Not to say, if they get really desperate a few buttons can be pushed to modify the results. In any event, I believe it's the 2024 election which prompted Tucker's surprising departure.

P.S. If you didn't already know, BlackRock is also responsible for the "ESG scam" appealing to the naive about environmentally saving the planet, but giving some of the worst gangster corporations extremely high ESG ratings. Another program popular with the UN and finding willing participants in both China and Russia the main protagonists promoting multipolarism with "One World governance characteristics." Once again it's proven, the mobsters quarrel among themselves over plunder, but are all-in on repressing billions by establishing a biosecurity surveillance state deploying digital ID'S and a central bank digital currency.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great article, Karen. It is really frightening. - Have you listened to RFK Jr’s speech? The first spark of hope I’ve had for a long time. We’ve got to get him heard. (I wondered if the timing was perfect to get Tucker off, as he’s the only one who would put Bobby on the air.) Was hoping you’d write about it.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I live in LA. This is the belly of the beast for sure. I would love to do to it w(the beast) hat it did to America: destroy it from within.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Same old elite mantra. . . "You're either with us or against us" (George Bush Jr, launching the US's hegemonic phony "War on Terror"). Only this time it's a Democrat reading the script!

When will Americans and the rest of the world wake up to the reality that party politics is a dog and pony show for the dumbed-down, Netflixed masses and start demanding REAL democracy?

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