Biden 'Preemptively' Pardons the Notorious Dr. Fauci
"It’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullsh*t and they get vaccinated.” ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci
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Before Biden hobbled off into the sunset, he ‘preemptively’ pardoned his most notorious henchmen and women, among them, Mark Milley, Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney and Dr. Anthony Fauci.
This comes on the heels of his controversial full and unconditional pardon of his own son, Hunter Biden, after assuring the public he would never do that. Hunter was pardoned not just for the federal crimes he was convicted of or pled guilty to, but for crimes that he may have committed and not yet been prosecuted for. This goes for all of the above-mentioned government officials as well.
At a recent House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus hearing, where Representative Rich McCormick (R-GA) grills Dr. Fauci, he plays a shocking recording of Fauci that reveals all you need to know about who Fauci is and why he should be prosecuted.
Here is what Fauci said, but I encourage you to click on the link below so you can hear Fauci’s voice:
“Once people feel impowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities and colleges that are going to say. ‘You want to come to this college, buddy, you’re gonna get vaccinated. Lady, you’re gonna get vaccinated.’ Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all those others are gonna say, ‘you wanna work for us, get vaccinated.’
And it’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated.”
Rich McCormick gives a withering response to Fauci:
Fauci affected people’s lives, made it difficult for them to live, work, travel, to actually flourish, to self-determine, as we are all given God-given rights. Shame on you. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people’s trust in our public health institutions. You should be known as Dr. Fear.”
You can watch the full exchange here:
Listening to Fauci in that private conversation, his public persona of the loveable and feisty little Italian man of the streets, who rose up to become “The Science" is ripped off and his arrogant disdain for the “common man” is revealed. We hear how smug he is, how drunk on his own power. How completely disconnected from the doctors in the field as he sits in his lofty tower passing judgment on the peons beneath him.
And now, it is possible he will not be held to account.
How do you pardon someone who has not been convicted of a crime, nor even investigated yet? Biden tries to say it’s to protect these upstanding public servants from Trump’s revenge. Biden should know since he set the precedent by weaponizing the justice system against his political opponent, Donald Trump.
It is not unusual for presidents to pardon people as they leave the presidency. However, preemptive pardons are another matter.
“The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense,” Mr. Biden said in a statement. “Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country.”
Really? Is that for Biden to decide? Shouldn’t the American people, as represented by the justice system, decide that? You know, how they call it: The People vs… fill in the blank.
Were Milley, Schiff, Cheney and Fauci really committed to our country? Do we really owe them a “debt of gratitude?” I think The People of the United States might decide otherwise, but the outgoing president of the United States wants to deny us that right.
What does this say about American institutions, our justice system in particular?
If even the president of the United States does not trust the justice system to act justly when investigating and possibly prosecuting Dr. Fauci et al, how are we lowly commoners supposed to trust that same system when we are dragged to court? Certainly, nobody in power is going to come along and pardon us. We will be at the mercy of a system that our president has effectively admitted cannot be counted on to mete out justice.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, there are precedents of people who were not charged with a crime being pardoned. “It would be highly unusual, but there have been a few cases where people who had not been charged with a crime were pardoned, including President Gerald Ford’s pardon of President Richard Nixon after Watergate, President Jimmy Carter’s pardon of Vietnam draft dodgers and President George H.W. Bush’s pardon of Caspar Weinberger. President Donald J. Trump pardoned Joseph Arpaio and others after they were charged and convicted, but prior to sentencing,” the DOJ says.
I’m no legal expert, but it would seem that Biden’s preemptive pardons are quite different from any of the above-mentioned pardons—which do not include the word preemptive. Still, when presidents start pardoning close associates, this seems like a slippery slope that has led to where we are now—with preemptive pardons. How much father can it go?
In Fauci’s case, he had no qualms about forcing people to give up their “ideological bullshit”. More than even losing a job or education, he wanted to break people’s spirits. He wanted to see them lose their faith, give up their courage. He wanted the nation to bow to his authority, unquestioningly. This is the most dangerous kind of individual. Give them power and they become a dangerous dictator. Thank God that at the very least, Fauci will no longer be in a position of authority where he can destroy the lives of millions of people, and even, potentially kill them, as an investigation and prosecution might have shown he has already done.
Here is the essay I wrote about Dr. Fauci on Feb 9, 2022:
The Victimization of Dr. Fauci & the Resurrection of HIV
“Nobody's so gullible as scientists. They think they know, you see. That's always dangerous.” ― Agatha Christie, Destination Unknown
Isn't protecting a criminal (a mass killer in this case) a criminal act in itself?
Who is going to "pardon" Diaper Joe for that? Oops, he was also part of the club...
When someone has not been charged, it can't be considered a pardon. He's trying to give them blanket immunity, and it will never hold up in court. What concerns me is that Trump and his justice department might use these "pardons" as an excuse to not prosecute the bad guys.