Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, Karen, for this reminder that we need to walk through life with a jaundiced eye. We are being/have been/will always be manipulated by people and forces and now AI. An awake person has a hard time living in this world. All around us are gullible, non-introspective people. So I am not optimistic. But I do think it’s my role to spread love to all, encourage deeper long range thinking, and skepticism about all media. I can’t know if I am reaching anyone but I can hope. Others reached me and they don’t know it. So maybe I have. I hope you have too.

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We don't always know what affect we are having. All we can do is keep dancing!

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Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

OUTstanding article - thank you KH. Technology will rob us of our humanity if we don't smarten up. I place my relationship with Spirit first, Self-care & family second - electronics last. We still have a landline with a cord :-) I leave my cell phone in the car while running errands. My spirit feels more alive when I detach from devises. Life is happening in real time, going to get up now & dance ! ! ! GOD's blessings to you Karen ...

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Thank you. Amen!

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Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Such great food for thought. I luv the Kurt Vonnegut quote at the end: "...what the computer people don't realize, or they don't care, is we're dancing animals. You know, we love to move around. And it's like we're not supposed to dance at all anymore." It's one of the things motivating me to ride the bike trail about an hour EVERY DAY. I tell my wife, when it's time for my ride, "I'm goin' to the trail...I have my habits."

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Yes, get outside as much as possible. I cried when Kurt Vonnegut died. That was a big loss.

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Jul 21Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'm going to re-read Mr. Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five" (it was required reading when I was in high school in the 70's) and also his other less famous books and short stories - he was such a gifted writer.

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loved his writin' too! I keep thinkin' the hobblin' of the intelligent an' upliftin' of the mediocre makes "Harrison Bergeron" truly prescient! (How DID he know?!)

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Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

There's a LOT of clicks in your essays and leading to more in here.

Now I'm sitting here gazing at my screen facing a dilemma.

Are there hard copies of your work?

What do I do???🥴😲

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Haha. True. However, this is an article that makes you think deeper, it doesn't dull your mind (hopefully). If I had the resources, I would publish a book of my writing. Also, I would print up essays and put them in coffee shops and book stores, like in the old days. If I could ,.I'd hire a plane and have them dropped over a city, like they do in war torn areas or to spread propaganda lol.

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Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Advancing AI quickly vs slowing it down or halting it is as much out of necessity as choice imo

If Musk/we don't do it first/quickly someone else will.

As dangerous as it may be in our own hands, it would be far more dangerous in the hands of many other possibilities.

An analogy that I heard...it would be like the US stopping its nuclear weapons program during WWII bc of how dangerous they are.

That would not have stopped nuclear weapons from being made. It would have resulted in Hitler, Stalin or Hirohito being the first to get their hands on them, while nobody else had any as deterrent.

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That's true. We are a messed-up race. We are in a competition to see who can wipe us out first. I wrote a bit about this in The Great Filter: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-great-filter . About the Fermi Paradox, which is the apparent contradiction between the high probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for or contact with such civilizations. The Great Filter Theory offers a potential explanation for the Fermi Paradox by suggesting that the filter prevents civilizations from reaching a level of advancement where they can communicate or travel across interstellar distances. Basically, no civilization can reach beyond a certain point before it or outside forces destroys it.

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And frightening

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Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great article.

In the US I would add that the car culture was truly the beginning of today's disaster. People moved to the suburbs usually into neighborhoods of like minded individuals which served a similar purpose to today's social media algorithms. In the past much like Vonnegut's commentary one had to interact with all types of individuals which required a very different mindset. Now one is never challenged to even think critically.

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Good points!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow Karen I think my head exploded three times reading this there is so much it's overwhelming and I do believe the enemy wants us all to be overwhelmed we weren't designed to know about every single thing that's going on around the world at every second of the day we're not built for that it's purposely overwhelming us becoming like zombies of course the enemy knows this he's desensitizing us for the eventual Antichrist to step on the scene to use all of the technology that's being put in place now to do the mark of the beast where you cannot buy or sell without the mark .....30 40 years ago we couldn't see how this was possible obviously now we can.....maranatha!!

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Jul 22Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I believe you are correct, that something wicked this way comes behind the A.I. feeding frenzy being pushed upon humanity.

I first came across the idea of this being the case from several articles written by Mark Bisone, here on Substack. There are four in total so far, and here is the link to the first in the series:


Your own article today is truly a clarion call to wake up and pay attention to what they are implementing upon humanity. It is NOT for our benefit.

The passage you shared of Kurt Vonnegan doing his part to stop the technological creep was very inspiring. Thank you for that.

I remain hopeful because the people actively working against humanity are not as smart as they think they are. Hubris abounds in their world. Scripture is full of passages about those who think they are untouchable by God and can forever do as they want with none to gainsay them, getting halted dead in their tracks by the providential hand of the Lord God Almighty.

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Jul 22Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great post Karen!

Just one poignant observation:

We (humans - with very few exceptions) are Pager, just without the implant. Such a jarring example of us at the feeding tube performing and sucking for our dopamine hit, via all manner of regime intoxicants.

So we are much further down the slope and much worse off - because we are totally captured and manipulated, without the need of the implant.

They have us, with our blessings.

Anything that comes now, will be like all other things since the TV or car (as another commenter observed) - accepted with glee and joy. The shiny new toys, that change just enough to keep us craving the next iteration.

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Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'm basically a chimpanzee now?

I always considered myself old school, but that's not how I meant it

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Jul 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is quite an article! More like several articles in one. All good points that I wish more people would think about. Are you familiar with James Corbett?

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Yes I am familiar with his work. Good stuff.

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James is the best! He and Whitney Webb. She did a podcast about a year ago about DARPA having a program to install implants into children ages 6 months to 3 years so they could study how children learn. Can you imagine why? And what that would do to the children!

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DARPA is true mad science!

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Wull I'll be a monkey's uncle--the monkey on Instagram just 'bout blew my socks off--whod'a thunk? Of course I find it wrong... not for her to behave like a human (they like ta imitate so no issue with lettin' her have a go at imitation) but ruther because it's all fake, all on a screen, nothing real. So to me, that's kind of a mean trick even though it's clear the monkey totally understands it's an image (smarter than many a human bean as ya say).! And indeed the parallels are kinda scary--how Harari & Musk want "us" to be--it's devolution, that's for sure--but not the way the Q folks talk about! It's just as misguided as puttin' these dastardly devices in front of us humans. Why not give the little lady a paintbrush or tools or a garden space an' some seeds... "real stuff?" -- cuz if she wants ta do what humans CAN do (or used to do!) let it be something that engages the senses, the body, the mind an' spirit.

This is such a great piece with so much ta dig inta here but I'll limit my last observation to so strongly agreein' with what'cha said about TeeVee with a little bit from the late great Alan Watt (no "S"--this is the other one!):


Like you I grew up watchin' teevee with the fam--all 'round for the BEST shows (that were in perpetual reruns) like I Love Lucy & The Honeymooners among others--ALL great ensemble comedy, my favorite type as the actors bounce off each other... cain't do that without them bein' in the same space, watchin' each other, the reactions... An' my gran'parents told me 'bout gatherin' round the radio--for all these great shows--mysteries! musicals! Alan Watt (don't have the link) even warned 'bout that stuff tho--he said even the radio took folks out of the town square where they all talked with neighbors, friends, etc. an' moved it inta the living room so folks only had their "own" ta chat with--no more public connection. THEN yes, as ya say, the cell phones went one devious step further disconnectin' folks even from the living room experience.

Our fambly still watches movies (old ones mostly!) or even operas together--then we talk 'bout what we're watchin'--and yup, some old teevee... Still, I never grew up with the town square experience an' I think I'd love it...

Wull, if they turn off the innertubes (we just hadda practice this week via the microsoft crash)...mebbe we kin go back a few steps and "evolve" as opposed to devolving as we're doin'--gettin' dumber (an' yes my girls both report they know teens an' young adults that never read an' have the attention span of a flea!)

I do love LEARNING an' readin' these "stacks" but if it all went away--I'd be fine. But what about some of these monkeys around us? Would they all have tantrums? I worry 'bout how we have become chimps--an' chumps (as a whole!)

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