There is an actual letter from Judge Juan Merchan. Here is a link to an article with the letter included. It looks pretty real to me...the shit show never ends! https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/trump-juror-facebook-post


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Ah, thank you. Unbelievable.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It is much better to turn whatever the Left says 180 degrees.

They accuse the right of everything they are doing - in spades.

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True. Backwards and upside down.

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so happy 'bout the four hostages released--I had such a bad feelin' none were alive--hope ta hear their stories too--an' boy golly a mistrial would be a welcome reprieve--Alex Jones sez if Trump goes to jail they'll take 'im out, likely with poison in the food cuz he can't "not eat"--an' not "tasters" on site... I'd hope they assign a different judge tho'--these Soros appoint-tease are all bought 'n paid for.... Mebbe we're in for more "Stormy Weather?"

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Haha, definitely more stormy weather ahead. So many possibilities for how much worse it can get. If they take Trump out, it's going to get bad. Any way you look at it, it's going to get bad. Ugh!

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Jun 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

If what Michael Andersen posted is true - then things are much worse than we thought!

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Which election candidate has ever been more than a script reader for their country’s military intelligence or secret police as directed by the real powers?

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Indeed. As far as I'm concerned this is ultimately a spiritual battle. As I say in my previous essay, although it might offend some people, we all share responsibility for giving in to those powers, as I wrote about in my previous essay. However, I do have faith in regular folk, not the elites or academics, and pray that our God-given common sense will prevail. Common sense is a formidable foe against evil, as I first learned as a child when I read The Narnia Chronicles and I never forgot it.


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It seems odd that you so openly support genocide in Gaza…

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I most certainly do not.

Please listen to what Gazans say, and acknowledge their bravery because when they speak up, they are imprisoned and tortured as happened to Hamza Howidy. It’s very easy to make such claims on social media, it's very different to live under Hamas and see the West supporting them. I also lived in Egypt under dangerous circumstances so I don't speak out of ignorance.

Here is an excerpt from a letter Hamza wrote to Western protestors:

“It pains me to say this as a Palestinian from Gaza. As my home is destroyed and too many killed, I never thought I would find myself criticizing those speaking up. And yet, I cannot be silent about what I am seeing. The truth is that the manner in which many gather to voice their support for Palestinians does more to hurt our cause than help it.

You know what would help the Palestinians in Gaza? Condemning Hamas' atrocities. Instead, the protesters routinely chant their desire to "Globalize the Intifada." Apparently they do not realize that the Intifadas were disastrous for both Palestinians and Israelis, just as October 7 has been devastating for the people of Gaza.

They should be speaking up for the innocent victims of Hamas—both Palestinian and Israeli. Instead, they endorse Hamas's ideology with posters announcing resistance "by any means necessary" and chants of "from the river to the sea," effectively glorifying the Al-Qassam brigades, Hamas' military wing, whose ideology is entirely based on the elimination of more than 6 million Israelis from the land.

I assumed individuals who initiated these slogans were uninformed about what they were advocating for. I saw the LGBTQ flag frequently flown among people chanting lines from Hamas's charter, and I initially wanted to educate them, to warn them that the group they are honoring would most likely toss them from the top of a building or murder them like they did to Mahmoud Ishtiwi, a Hamas commander accused of homosexuality. Hamas harasses women who don't cover their heads. Hamas tortures those who demonstrate against their authoritarian rule, as they did me when I protested.

All of this seems to be lost on the people who have named themselves our allies, to our misfortune.

…it's not just the antisemitism that has me despairing. It's the hypocrisy. Where were these caring young people when Hamas took over Gaza and slaughtered hundreds of Gazans, or when Hamas held 2 million Gazans captive for more than 17 years? Why didn't they speak out about the fact that Hamas led Gazans into this conflict… Where were they when Hamas's failed missiles claimed the lives of hundreds of Gazans on October 17, or when Hamas murdered young people in order to steal aid and resell it to Gazans at massively inflated prices?

The only conclusion that can be drawn from these demonstrators' silence concerning Hamas' atrocities and their antisemitic chanting is that they are not concerned with protecting Palestinians. They are out in their tents because of a hatred of Jews and Israelis.

If the protesters cared about Palestinians, they would have one central demand: Hamas must surrender, because we have all suffered from Hamas and can no longer live under the rule of a terrorist group. Only then can a ceasefire be achieved.”

You can read more in my essay The Enemy Within https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-enemy-within

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LEFTIST attacks on leaders…the political right are not behaving this way, despite depraved leftists always accusing the right of violence.


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Absolutely. The media is creating this impression and stoking the flames of hatred and extremism. If you are interested you can read my previous essay as it elaborated on this. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-attempted-assassination-of-robert

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