
It took me a while to get around to responding. With the bombings and deaths and then Biden's bizarre statement and responses to the press, especially Peter Doocy (it's never a good idea for Biden to go off script) well, it's just been heartbreaking. Thank you everyone for your comments. I'm working on my next "wandering" essay.

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Aug 19, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great essay on many levels, thanks. During the period of 2016-2019 and the issue of withdrawing troops from Afghanistan per Trump’s campaign promise the Pentagon, namely the Dept of Defense stepped up its efforts to meticulously detail the exit strategy. Ultimately Trump embraced the conditional draw-down coupled with peace talks.

Withdrawing from Afghanistan has been a hot topic since 2015. Exit plans were in place. There is no way a POTUS would give a withdrawal order without the long-embraced exit strategy. This was clearly orchestrated. Perhaps to feed long term war machines. For sure though, Biden does as told.

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I am cynic when it comes to any government doing anything for moral reasons. All I know is, when I was in Egypt during the start of the pandemic and I stood against a mob of violent men, when I yelled at them "I'm an American and I have a letter ready for the US Embassy if anything happens to me," they all started apologizing and telling me they loved America. That was because we had a strong president. I have no doubt if I tried that now I would be laughed at while they teared me apart. There is a big difference between strength and weakness and we are not strong now. We need to be strong. Very concerning.

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Aug 20, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This was really depressing to read. It's all true but so damn depressing.

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Yea, the world is a bit depressing right now, isn't it. I always try to add something positive, but right now with what's been going on, on all fronts, it hasn't been easy. Keep strong.

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Aug 20, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I’m really disillusioned that people thought Joe Biden would be more compassionate. I think people really thought that. My own son said it to me. If it’s not clear now that he’s not capable of that and never was, I’m not sure what will convince people to vote better. And we as a nation are in trouble. This is all very discouraging to say the least. Where are all the celebrities and highly moral people’s outcries for at least the Afghan people? I mean I know they couldn’t give two shits about our military or even US citizens trying to help. They are some of the most hypocritical people on the planet. They need to stick with the bro code to protect their guy. Makes me ill honestly.

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Stay strong. It is very disillusioning but maybe, just maybe with this latest horror of how botched this withdrawal has been, people will start waking up. Still not holding my breath though....

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Aug 20, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

On the money…”Perhaps our leaders hate us so much, knowing they have sold themselves for the highest price of all: their souls. And they want us to join them in their coming torment.”

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Aug 20, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yet another pithy, thought-provoking and tear-wrenching article from one of the great writers of the era of madness. Thank you for continuing to poke the sleeping bear. I can only hope it wakes before it is too late.

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Thank you. I'm keeping at it!

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Aug 31, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for your words, they comfort me and I admire you for speaking out. Sincerely, B.S. Humphries

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Thank you and I'm glad you found your way here.

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I saw a picture of Mujahideen in 1984 fighting Soviets, "Your best friends or worst enemies," I thought. They were warlords but looked honorable. Supplanted, absorbed by Taliban driving the Soviets out,, Afghanistan became hell-hole.

20-years, $1T's, thousands dead and Taliban, thanks to Joe, is back in business...and demanding foreign aid from U.S. taxpayers..

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I saw a picture of Mujahideen in 1984 fighting Soviets, "Your best friends or worst enemies," I thought. They were warlords but looked honorable. Supplanted, absorbed by Taliban driving the Soviets out,, Afghanistan became hell-hole.

20-years, $1T's, thousands dead and Taliban, thanks to Joe, is back in business...and demanding foreign aid from U.S. taxpayers..

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" seeks to weed out any service men and women (or what do we call them now?) who might be “insurrectionists,” meaning conservatives;"

I think Mikey Weinstein would strongly object to your claim that --conservatives-- are being tossed out of the military. Mikey is correct. Given who you are, I'm sure you know who Mikey is.

FWIW: your link that is suppose to point to "Why I stand with Israel" doesn't go there. Rather it is an MSN article on Biden's historical desire to get out of Afghanistan.

I did find the article, and see that you're an Israeli apologist. It didn't require 3 parts.

Your essays are too long, wandering all over the place.

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