Hello Karen!

First of all, your story (and your entire ongoing Substack) gives me so much hope, and in this little comment I wish to turn some of that hope around on to your situation. I am what you would call a "mostly-offline" person - I deleted my Facebook and Instagram in 2011 and never looked back. I have a non-blue-check'd X account where I rarely post, and I have a few apps for "the lols", like Goodreads and Untappd. I had an equally striking and pervasive revelation years ago that the Internet is like a sidequest - something humanity is engaged in because it is available and attractive, but ultimately temporary. And out of touch, no matter how much apologists will argue, with Reality. I often think of the internet as a parallel to spiritual reality, in the sense that even this world is not the Be All / End All of our soul's experience, and one day we will have to face ultimate truth and it will render all of our actions here as either contributing its (truth's) increase...nor not. In the same way, we can post on the internet as much as our hearts desire, but when Reality comes calling, will we be able to act? And will our actions stand up to all our "sound and fury"? All this to say, my friend: although I would hate to see your presence completely diminished or extinguished from this ephemeral realm of communication, it gives me heart to know that you are, on the other side of the screen, a person fully living out your ideals where it matters - in your life! Take care and keep up the good fight in whichever manner makes sense for you 🙏

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So beautifully said. Thank you. Increasingly, I feel the urge to remind people about, as you say, "living out your ideals where it matters--in your life!"

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I have been following this Substack for a short while, trying to figure out what it is about, after it was referenced in another Substack that I follow. I wasn't having much success with that, but now that you mention Dave Hunt, I do know of his work, although I only came across it in 2020. His legacy has significantly influenced me over these past three years.

If you think the censorship is bad now, I can tell you that it is becoming even worse. The plans to use artificial intelligence to surveil _everything_ are public, not secret. I am a database and software developer and I have been keeping an eye on AI over the past five decades, although I have not been involved directly (so far) in applying it. In those earlier days hardware performance was a problem, but it is not so much any more. Even the CPUs in our PCs are beginning to include optimizations for running local AI applications, and that's something to think about: distributed computing, potentially using your own machine without your knowledge, to efficiently spy on you.

In terms of intelligence, AI is a bust -- a fake -- but intelligence isn't an absolute necessity in the pursuit of evil. Efficient language pattern recognition alone is enough to enable doing a great deal of harm, and we are there. With no real intelligence behind AI, it can easily flag people for things they have not done (picture quoting someone else that is on a "bad list" and automatically and permanently becoming associated with them), but why would the perpetrators even care?

We still need to say what we feel moved or called to say, and there may be consequences. I don’t see any way that we ourselves can defeat either the profiling or the censorship, although God can. It might be prudent, however, not to say _more_ than we need to say.

As a developer, I run relatively secure computers in a relatively secure network compared to what most people have. And while I have some privacy shields in place, the main purpose for my security measures is to make it more difficult for criminals to break in electronically and steal or sabotage the work that I do for others.

Privacy? What's that? It's gone. But there are also criminals everywhere, doing as much damage as they possibly can, many of them working for the criminal alliance of industry, government, and organized crime. I can't help but think, however, that this situation is a reflection of the immorality of the common folk (not all of them, but many), and the godlessness that abounds (which would include many more).

And while this is somewhat of an aside, I note that the ministries that think they can use YouTube and Facebook to reach out to new people don't seem to be particularly aware that all those likes and comments they solicit serve to help ensure that as few new people as possible will be reached. Instead, the messages will tend to go out to people already of like mind. (Or that those "reach" numbers they see can be faked in software.) Person-to-person sharing, however, does make a difference.

I noticed in the earlier part of 2020 that the warning messages I was researching and writing on Facebook appeared to only be going out to two other people. I subsequently threw up my hands, deleted my social media accounts, and found better uses for the time. It wouldn't really have mattered anyway, since the people I tried to reach were being deceived by their own churches that were labeling people like me as conspiracy theorists while the church leaders collaborated with the wicked authorities. I'm not over the sight of that still. But I am glad that the sheep's clothing came off.

I don't see that there is anything we are going to accomplish of our own means that will stop this. We are headed for destruction, according to prophecy. I don't believe that we will be totally destroyed but, to paraphrase the medical saying, I believe that "only God can save us now", not that it has ever been otherwise. The evidence for that is thick, while the awareness is meager.

I expect awareness to improve as things move on into high gear, but it looks like once again, although this time on a global scale, disaster may be the only way to get the attention of the masses. If they have been warned in advance, perhaps they will remember what was said. Keep on warning.

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I have run across so many people who read my dad's books and heard him speak. It's just been wonderful. I'm glad you are here. I write about a lot of different things, whatever is on my heart, I also write about tech and AI quite a bit. Sometimes weave stories from my childhood into the mix, as I did here.

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Getting ready to firmly tell our school to notify parents that my high school son’s English teacher gave a survey in class asking preferred pronouns and would the students like their pronouns hidden from their parents. This doesn’t affect my son as he is a strong Christian. But what about the children hiding from their parents, manipulated by this teacher? I cannot let this go unaddressed. You’ve been very encouraging.

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Yes, you must speak up and please let me know how it goes! Thank God your son is not fooled and not influenced by peer pressure.

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GOD bless you Karen - me thinks our Creator & your Dad are smiling down for your commitment in speaking TRUTH & remaining true to Self. You are a powerful example to many ...

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Thank you. I feel their presence often.

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Mighty fine story! Reminds me of a friend that had ta face an angry Alaskan Mama bear (when she wuz with her own little one, bein' a mama human!). She (my friend) was scared as the dickens but stood firm, tall, made herself as "big" as she could facin' that bear... The bear stopped, surprised. (Kinda like what you did when the angry mob've men didn't expect your response!) The trick worked just long 'nuff fer my friend ta holler fer her hubby ta get their little one quick an' high-tail it ta their car.

THEN (only when the daughter wuz safe...) my friend turned on one heel an' ran like hell herself ta that ol' car ! You too faced a mob've bears! (AND ya saved a friend whut besides!)

It's a fine thing that yer daddy wuz a man of great convictions an' bless'im fer stickin' to 'em an' teachin' you (n' yourn) to do the same & bless you too fer payin' attention ta the good example set an' fer "stickin' ta yer guns" (like in High Noon!)--even in the face of hippo-grits who took the $ an' ran, makin' a pact with Tyranny Inc.

I sure hope that I'd have the presence've mind you did in that moment of "truth" an' the ability ta become a fierce bear like ya did -- an American Grizzly?! (I'm SURE you'd'a thunk of somethin' effective an' impressive ta say even if JoeBribin' wuz in office back then ;-)

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Haha, an American Grizzly. I like that!

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That was a powerful story, Karen. It fills me with courage.

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Thank you. I really want to inspire people to feel more courageous so I'm glad!

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When we're grateful for the liberties we do have, we appreciate how much can be taken away - why I love substack - at least we have each others' emails as subscribers, so we have a better chance of staying connected. That said, this is one of the reasons I have a landline and memorize phone numbers.

Thank you for raising awareness Karen. FYI I've started working on the side at an organic farm - it's a fantastic meeting place for the like-minded. Get together with those you resonate and start building that community today!

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Yes, building communities is what will save us.

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Concur. It’s what I have been doing in SF for the last 3.5 years. Loved your story and your writing 🙏🏾

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Thank you Karen, for this very thought provoking piece which I listened to while laying awake in bed early this morning. I am also now much less inclined to spend time on social media platforms because it has become quite clear that they are stealing from us and manipulating us. The internet has been a useful in many ways, allowing us to connect with like minded people. But it has also become a curse and a way for these very powerful actors to control almost every aspect of our lives without most people realising it.

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I met so many wonderful people thanks to Twitter now X. But as you say, the flip side is they steal from us and manipulate us. At a certain point, enough is enough.

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It's called "the narrow path" for a reason

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That's right. And few there be that find it.

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If you haven't seen it, I urge readers to watch the Social Dilemma on Netflix. This documentary by former important employees of social media platforms is chilling. I knew it was awful, but I had no idea as to the depth AI is infiltrating our minds, especially young people. It is literally destroying lives and our culture for the race to the highest dollar.

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Thanks, I hadn't heard about that film. I will definitely watch it.

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Yes your dad will be very proud of you! That Luxor tale was hair-raising, you were in the right place at the right time for your friend. Fate. Btw that's an eye-opener about single western women in Egypt being easy prey. Never heard of that. Is that a bit like the western men who go to Philippines/Thailand looking for love??

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It's similar, yes. But I think it's a much worse situation since the women in Luxor tend to become passive and abused.

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Yes at least the western men can leave most of the time intact, usually with a much lighter bank account 🤷

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Remember in CS Lewis "The Last Battle", while Aslan and Tash are opposites: any virtuous act done in Tash's name is actually accepted by Aslan, since Tash can only accept acts of evil. Thus Emeth's devotion to Tash, founded on noble motives, was actually received by Aslan. I think a lot of Christians miss this when surfing him.

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The Chronicles of Narnia were the books that influenced my life the most as a child. I reference them in many of my essays. I always remembered that powerful moment when Emeth faces Aslan and recognizes this is who he had been seeking all along. Such profound truth. I haven't yet put that scene in one of my essays but I intend to when the right moment comes along.

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As Jesus says "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw everyone to Myself.”

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The world we once knew is already gone. There is more to come and it will be increasingly wicked. This year we did not have mandates but the level of evil we witnessed was worse than the two years before. We have our principles but our words won't matter much if our actions don't align with them. Social media is rapidly passing. Freedom is on crutches. The pressures approaching us will be more difficult to oppose. It is in God's hands. It always has been. I am grateful for your examples of strength and courage, Karen.

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Exactly, so true. Thank you! It is worse than two years ago but so many people cannot see it.

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Keep going, sister. Yes there is a cadre of dissidents who fly private, are put up in fancy London Hotels and dine on the Amalfi Coast. Not that I want those things. I've had them. But it would be nice if some of that cash were spread around...I mean from the rich benefactors.

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That would be nice wouldn't it. ❤️

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I second the Linux suggestion. The Windows 10 "anniversary upgrade" bricked a perfectly good desktop machine, which is still operating today. I converted to Linus right then and there. I had been studying Linux since version 0.90, so I was prepared. I was already switched to Libre Office since c.a. 2000, when Microsoft Word failed me on a book project.

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Instead of the microsoft operating system, install Linux and LibreOffice, both free.

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I will.look into it.

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