Dissidents are my favorite people! ❤️❤️❤️

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Continued from below…. Mr. Henningsen just now went on about “trolls” passing along the message that Ms. Gabbard is a member of the WEF, and in “Schwab’s pocket”. He also said he doesn’t know.

Please let him know that we are still waiting for Ms. Gabbard to DENOUNCE her membership. That is why the message continues to travel. Since he doesn’t know, I don’t appreciate his superior attitude. Our opinion matters, too.

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Hello Karen,

I just now started to listen to the conversation, and only so far to where Mr. Henningsen is talking about Tulsi Gabbard and what a star she is. He mentioned her possible run for office. I am aghast. I can only hope not. This tells me that he is not aware of Ms. Gabbard’s membership in the World Economic Forum. She is a Klaus Schwab puppet! So many have overlooked this tiny detail about her, including Tucker Carlson and numerous other personalities. What gives? Klaus himself has said that they have “penetrated” our government and they own our politicians. I can only pray that she doesn’t run for a higher office in our land. She certainly seems to be a mole. Have you been aware of this part of her life? Maria Baritiromo, Dan Crenshaw, Pete Buttegieg (sp?), to name a very few, are also members of that nefarious organization.

Thank you in advance for your reply….if you have the time.

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Wow, I didn't know about Maria Baritiroma's connection to the WEF. That is interesting, considering the views she espouses. Do you think some of these people may simply be operating under the adage "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer"? One of the things I hate most about the situation in which we find ourselves is the difficulty trying to figure out exactly which players are in which camp. I hope Tulsi is on the level. People can have their eyes opened. I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt while keeping a wary eye open, where she is concerned. I hope she has simply been convinced by the fact that the Democrats has taken such a hard left-turn since Obama. I would think most people who've been in the military, and seen any of the world, would have no illusions about the evils of Marxism.

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Very well said, Gina. Good Luck to us all.

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Great interview! It was interesting to learn about your early years as an MK. I am another one. :) (Southeast Asia). And you are right, I think it gives one a totally different worldview.

I envy your years in Luxor. I had no idea they were still practicing genital mutilation on women in Egypt! I have friends there but that subject has never come up. Is it widespread? I so wish that that practice had not come to America under the guise of "gender-choice" for young kids. I think history will end up being a big mantle of shame for some people involved in all of this but it will be too late for a lot of people. Is there a written transcript of that interview?

Thanks for another provocative discussion.

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I LOVE this interview! 😀

What a fascinating life.

A young part within my Internal Family System (IFS, Dr Richard Schwartz) says: "I want to be like you... Karen Hunt... when I grow up."

Thank you so much!! 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼

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