They have just given your article more legitimacy and anyone who actually sees what's going on will recognize that. If "they" stop trying to shut you up, you'll know you aren't saying anything important. I thought your article was great and shared it. The powers that be are doing everything in their power to hide the truth from people. The lack of transparency and their willingness to try and muzzle anyone with a differing point of view is appalling and makes their intentions self-evident. Only tyrants try to silence opposing viewpoints. Keep on doing what you do.

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I consider it the highest compliment 😉

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So beautiful. Thank you for all you do!

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Wow! Thanks so much for sharing that beautiful poem. Sadly it is the father of lies that is controlling the controllers. It is astonishing how easily those in control allow their lies to slip so easily from their mouths. Thank you for your truth full essays Karen.

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First of all, it it's labeled "covid misinformation" that tells me it's probably retailing some facts and sense!

Second, if you have not already seen it, I would warmly recommend to you Richard Polt's book The Typewriter Revolution.

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I will definitely look at that book! Thanks!

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Can't see the surprise about the code end result... It's a code written by the usual SCUM, funded by the usual Billionaires, so naturally the artificial code will only follow the biological degenerate code of its writers/owners.

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Covid19 and Climate Change 'deniers' will soon be declared either 'terrorists' or 'mentally ill'. They are already looking at how to achieve this. They want a technocratic world where the only truth allowed will be those opinions and beliefs prescribed by decree.

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Lucky us we're a Minority! So we're fucked....

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You are awesome....grace and peace Karen!

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The paper could be made from hemp. ;-)

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Haha, that's true!

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Aahh, Karen, you rip at my heart sometimes.

"I find it creepy to think that before Covid, if you had told any of my liberal friends to trust the mainstream media or the government they would have said, forget it!"

It wasn't Covid, it was TDS. I read an essay by Jeffery Tucker that addressed this issue and found it to be quite compelling: https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-the-left-became-what-it-once-hated_4942964.html Sorry, it's behind a paywall, but...

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The Epoch Times is the only paper I subscribe to! It's a good article and very true. Writing this one got my heart strings too. Happy New Year. I can't see it getting any less crazy.

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My Heart Doors Are Open is so beautiful and so is your artwork. I love how you encouraged those kids to get in touch with their feelings and how you helped them feel important. And I really appreciate how you bare your feelings about the changes happening in our society today. I like the fact that you're not a specialist in any one area, like a biologist, or an egghead (vintage label). It's so important to share our feelings with each other, it's what makes us human and life worth living. Thank you.

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This site is one of the last, so be prepared for no more information becoming unavailable. That doesnt' mean I always agree, but THAT is EXACTLY what two thinking human being can accomplish. YOU are responsible for YOUR decision in the end, which is why I think this site is doing exactly what I'm doing.

FYI, when Hemingway reached 60, he swallowed a 00 shotgun cartridge, while drinking a gallon of rum.

In WW1/2, he was disrespected by soldiers, who called him "grandpa" and his histrionic personality still gave way a lot of good stuff. When he published The Old Man and the Sea, the only subsequent bestseller was Windows 97...

Gibson wrote his novel about whatever is going on on a 1932 typewriter in 1986...

I keep wondering if anything makes any difference anymore:


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I'm convinced that all we can do is follow those we trust on these alternative platforms. I would suspect that no one who reads your work is going to listen to anyone, AI or otherwise, fact check your work. Your readers trust your work because we can do our own fact checking. So enjoy the community you are creating one by one, and trust that we know your truth for what it is and will not be swayed easily by the screaming media who cares only for their own glory and gain. BTW, please, PLEASE publish the sequel to Luminaria. My desire to know what happens next is flaming hot!!

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I feel so blessed by this wonderful community.

Haha, I have to finish book 4 in my Night Angels Chronicles, and it's almost done. I'm as anxious as you are (more so) to finish the sequel to Luminaria. It's all in my head and it wants to get out of there LOL.

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How would a chat bot even differentiate between accurate and inaccurate information? You don’t acquire an epistemology by mimicry.

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It's a mystery!

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When I was about 22, in the 1980s, I was sitting in the reference section of the library, doing research. I forget about what. Perhaps on the thalidomide debacle. (That was before I knew that it was a part of the Rockefeller medical scam.) And I became aware that I could prove *anything* with references. That by looking in the right places I could 'prove' that Hitler was alive in South America, for example. And with that I stepped away from trusting absolutely what I read, even when well researched. Everything is tentative. Everything is possible. Everything is temporary. Everything is transient. Everything is false. LOL! Life has a wicked sense of humour.

Does that mean I don't research and I don't read? Nope. Well, I don't actually *read* any MSN sources anymore, of course. It means that I hold off believing what I read until I have alternative and/or independent confirmations, preferably by synchronicity. And I look to see how the information correlates or not with other sources, including so-called 'fictions'.

And I keep my self open to the experience of those little deaths of giving up the once sacred beliefs that use to carry me forward into life and now have shown themselves false.

The AI was told to look to Wikipedia as a reference source. OMG! LOL! So woke. So funny. And to trust fact checkers at a high level of trust, etc. Similar algorithms that Google et al use to skew searches and opinion. So, with some thought, almost identical to the entire education system: gigo. It will be curious to see if the AI offspring develop the creativity and resilience to move beyond their programming? Too funny.

We scoff at Harari for calling us humans merely 'hackable' creatures, and yet we have the imagination to see AI as developing independent thought while concomitantly observing that very few of us humans really have that. Life really does have a wicked sense of humour.

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Wikipedia. Yikes!

I like to read Harari's writings and listen to him speak. He has so much insight.

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I actually haven't read him. I have heard some of his insight that has actually had the appearance of insight. And then he devolves humanity to hackable animals who have no value on earth to warrant their wasteful meat eating since robots can do everything humans do. So... have have thrown out anything he says as being poisoned by the roots of his beliefs except as a touchstone of the ability of evil to look shiny and inviting.

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Very good writing program for juvenile offenders. Is it ongoing? If not, it should be. Have the young writers illustrate their own poems or even the poems of each other. The artistic talent among the adult incarcerated is quite phenomenal...

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The program is called InsideOUT Writers and it is still ongoing. I was cancelled by the Hollywood elite in 2006 and ousted from my own organization. The youth are talented artists, yes. We had a magazine featuring their art and writing. When I left, sadly, that magazine ended. Here's an article about my work: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jul-13-me-jvwrite13-story.html

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Thank you for letting me know more about that writing program. Seems like that would be such a good thing for adult corrections as well. I do encourage you to consider taking this up again in the future at some point. Art and poetry writing have a transformational impact on lives when we start working in those gifts with which God has gifted us......anyway, may God continue to richly bless you in the year ahead

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AIs judge accuracy the same way we do -- poorly. As Lincoln taught, you can fool some people all the time. Identifying inaccuracy is a combination of prior experience and enough information to corroborate or refute. That's why young people make so many mistakes, even with the knowledge of the world instantly available from their keyboards -- not enough experience. AIs were born yesterday. Young people will learn, and so will AIs.

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That doesn’t answer the question though. How did the machine learning algorithm in question determine that the article was fiction? No reasons were given afaik so it had to express prior beliefs that were somehow triggered.

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You sound depressed. Are you? God, the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer has you here for a certain purpose. Don't break the Covenant He has with you having given you life. Are you running from it? Turn back to Him in repentance now and He will give you a New Outlook to enable you to CARRY ON. The Truth of the matter is that you are never alone

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Dec 31, 2022
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He already works for the terrorists at the pentagon, so it's always a good strategy to use both sides of the WAR to make a good profit, and so working for the chinese is a good thing also.

This sounds just like all the corporations and billionaires and banks that also did this exact same thing during WWII... But hey 'Hitler BAD'!

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Jan 1, 2023
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I bet that back then the tech they used was also pretty advanced! After all the USofT used at least 2 nukes to fry the japs.

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