I just discovered your writing and love what you say and how you say it - it’s so great to read intelligent and thoughtful words about current affairs and offering the reader other points of view from other sources that connect the subject. Thank you so much!

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Thank you. I so appreciate having you here. This is a new venture for me and it's proving exceedingly rewarding.

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You say it well and speak from the heart. It's okay to write at length (nobody is gave Tolstoy or Dickens grief for that!) Some of us don't think in small sound bytes and condense material to be phone friendly. I've just discovered your writing and am SO glad I did--speaks truth to me (I've been labeled too for speaking frankly). Thank you! Looking forward to more!

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Thank you! I'm not any good at writing short pieces. People tend to have short attention spans these days and one is supposed to fit into a box to appeal to that. I've ignored the advice of some to shorten my essays. I will stay true to my writing style. Glad you are enjoying the essays and happy to have you here.

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Long, yes…but, excellent read!

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Yes, my essays are long! Thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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A large part of the problem is that there are so many shallow thinkers who imagine themselves to be enlightened when most of their thinking is sound bites. Propaganda and indoctrination are very effective. Many of those in deep sleep imagine themselves to be woke and become angry at those who disturb their slumber.

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Have you ever read C. S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, in particular the last one, That Hideous Strength. One of my favorite books. It describes this so well. Often it's the most woke who are the most asleep. It becomes a kind of fanatical religion. As happens with people who take religion to an extreme.

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I haven't but will look into it. This is the second time in a week that C.S. Lewis has been mentioned to me.

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One can never have enough of C. S. Lewis.

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Fantastic article! Thank you for your courage to speak and write the truth.

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I wish the whole world could read or hear this message! So excellent 👍

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The whole population is under the watchful eye of a system that is digesting us, identifying everyone of us and critically compartmentalizing us only to sell us a pill or a couch, or something else.

A lot of tomboys grow up to be knockouts when they get older. Children are so impressionable, especially if they think it's something trendy. I think science is pushing transgenderism into children through the schools so doctors can experiment on the kids for more biological information to be fed into their AI database. Thirty or forty years ago, people wouldn't dream of putting their children under the knife and hormonally changing their kids. Whoever these people are that are driving biological innovation, they are intentionally creating a slippery slope for society to navigate through - for the purpose of creating a foot into the family and the parents' right to consent for their children. I think the state would ideally like to have consent over all children and everybody else, too, so they can feed us into the AI biological information gathering database, AI BIG Database, (I made that up). And with the increasing speed of technology, along with the intensified curiosity of mad scientists everywhere, my mathematical hunch is there's a 50/50 chance we will be extinct by 2060.

I like reading your articles, you finger is right on the pulse.

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Never worry about being long winded! You had a lot to say.

Yes, people are intellectually lazy. I never send your articles to some of my friends because I know they won't bother. They would rather watch a video or listen to a podcast. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think when you read something you are more engaged, and you can stop and ruminate about a certain point or go look something up for more information. Guess I'm just a reader.

This article is profound and so worth thinking about. CRT is truly an abomination. It's cruel and heartless to pawn such meanness on children; after all, none of us had a say as to the color of our skin or the circumstances in which we were born. Thankfully, it appears as if more people, particularly parents are having some awareness and acting upon it.

Thanks for another excellent article.

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Excellent, excellent article.

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Jun 13, 2021
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Yes, haha, I am a bit long-winded. At least Substack makes me stop. Thanks for reading and for your comments.

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