Trump Towers on the Gazan Riviera?
However bombastic Trump may appear, he does have a way of saying the silent part out loud. After Oct 7th, the illusion of a Palestinian state is over.
You can listen to me read this essay here:
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I’ve been traveling so I haven’t been writing these past couple of days. But wow, what incredible times we live in! It’s hard to know what to focus on first, but I just had to write about this.
As always, President Trump is saying the silent part out loud, the part that nobody else has the nerve to say but that everyone is thinking.
I’m not arguing whether it’s right or wrong. I’m just saying what it is. People can protest against it, but Trump says it’s just “common sense.”
So far, Trump has claimed the United States has a right to Greenland, Canada, Mexico, and the Panama Canal. Pretty outrageous, for some, a brilliant plan for others.
But no claim has been as controversial as his bombshell announcement that the United States would take “ownership” of the Gaza Strip, or that the 1.7 million Gazans would relocate to other Arab nations.
I hear a lot of Trump supporters saying on social media, “Oh, that’s just what Trump does. He says stuff to see the reaction he’ll get. He doesn’t really mean it.”
Reuters and other news outlets insist that it’s “unclear” whether Trump would go ahead with his proposal or is simply taking an extreme position as a bargaining strategy. Just like his crazy talk about taking over Greenland, Canada, Mexico and the Panama Canal. I mean, seriously, right?
So, let me get this straight. The leader of the most powerful nation on earth says stuff but has no intention of following through? What happens when the nations he threatens figure that out and just start laughing at him? Why would any nation bow to his will because they know he doesn’t mean what he says?
They will bow precisely because they take what Trump says seriously. Otherwise, it’s meaningless.
The first time around, people treated Trump as a joke. Not this time.
Some might think he’s insane and some might think he’s brilliant, but everyone should know by now that he’s serious and he has unprecedented power to make what he wills happen.
Watch Trump’s announcement below. There is no way to misinterpret what he says, not with Netanyahu standing right there next to him. Where once the press mocked Trump, the shock on their faces as he makes this announcement is something to behold. Nobody is laughing.
President Trump:
The U. S. will take over the Gaza strip. We’ll own it. We will be responsible for clearing it, for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site. The US will level Gaza out and rebuild, creating an economic settlement that will supply unlimited jobs and housing for the “people of the area.”
“If you go back, it’s going to end up the same way it has for a hundred years.”
That last sentence is the one to pay attention to. There is no going back. Not after October 7th.
Trump doesn’t get into the fact that Gazans still support Hamas. He doesn’t get into the fact that the Islamic/Arab plan for the Gazans was never about creating two states, but rather about the total destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew. He doesn’t get into the fact the Hamas has vowed to repeat Oct 7th over and over until they succeed in this goal. And if you don’t believe me, listen to senior Hamas official, Ghazi Hamad:
Trump doesn’t need to remind people of any of this. Not after the display Hamas and the Gazan population has been putting on since the ceasefire, parading the hostages through frenzied crowds, strutting around like peacocks in their spiffy new, color-coordinated outfits as if they own the place.
Hamas’ response to Trump would be laughable if anything about Hamas could be laughable at this point.
"Any ideas of this kind are capable of igniting the region," Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters, saying it was “ridiculous and absurd”, and that Hamas remains committed to the ceasefire accord with Israel and negotiating its next phase.
Hamas is truly delusional. They seem to have forgotten that they already ignited the region on Oct 7th. Do they really imagine that the United States is going to come to their aid once again and spend billions of dollars to rebuild Gaza just so Hamas, with full support of the Gazans, can turn around and attack Israel all over again.
President Trump might mean what he says but will he be able to bend Arab nations to his will?
There is no Arab nation in favor of Trump’s plan, starting with the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, which recognizes Israel and cooperates with it on security.
Jordan said it is ready for war with Israel if Palestinians are expelled into its territory.
Saudi Arabia flatly rejected Trump’s plan, saying there would not be normalization with Israel until the Palestinians have their own state. But is that just rhetoric because they have to say it? Surely, they know that after Oct 7th, a Palestinian state is never going to happen. In fact, if truth be told, they could care less about a Palestinian state.
The Palestinians have always been a thorn in the flesh of the surrounding Arab nations. Palestinians are used as pawns to justify Arab nations’ own hatred of Israel and Jews. Arabs despise Palestinians because they have already caused so much trouble in their own countries that they don’t want anything to do with them.
Seventy Hamas terrorists with blood on their hands released from Israeli prisons and deported to Egypt as part of the ceasefire/hostage deal are stuck in a hotel in Cairo, Ynet reported.
“Not a single Arab country has agreed to accept even one deported Palestinian prisoner,” a Palestinian Prisoners’ Authority official told Ynet.
Western allies of the United States don’t like Trump’s plan either. France’s foreign ministry said, “[The plan] would constitute a serious violation of international law, an attack on the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians, but also a major obstacle to the two-state solution and a major destabilizing factor for our close partners Egypt and Jordan as well as for the entire region.”
See? Nobody is willing to state the obvious part out loud, even though it’s quite possible they agree silently. There are no legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians for a state. A Palestinian state is a propaganda tale meant for the West, in order to hide the real goal of the destruction of Israel and the extermination of every Jew.
This time, as Trump said, there is no turning back. I can’t imagine any which way that Israel or the United States is going to continue with this charade about Palestine. It’s over.
It would seem then that the only solution is for the surrounding Arab nations to take care of what they should have taken care of a long time ago: the Palestinian problem is their problem. The inhabitants of Gaza are Arabs, mostly from Egypt and Jordan.
Let’s say for a moment that some miracle occurs, and the surrounding Arab nations relent, and Trump’s proposal became a reality.
Why would Israel with full support from the United States, stop at Gaza? Why not solve the entire problem and take it all back.
Why not empty the West Bank, too, or rather let’s call it what it really is, Judea and Samaria? The “refugee camps” that UNRWA kept in existence since 1948 are a breeding ground for generation after generation of terrorists, indoctrinated from birth to have only one goal—martyr themselves for Allah and kill as many Israelis as possible in the process.
What about East Jerusalem? Israel might as well take that back. Jews have been kept from worshiping at their own Temple, their most sacred religious site that is buried beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Why shouldn’t the Jews have the right to tear down the mosque and rebuild the Temple. After all, that mosque was built by an invading army on the original Temple.
Watch this shocking short video about the reality of the Temple Mount and how the Muslims are trying to completely erase any Christian or Jewish history or ability to worship.
Muslims completely control the Temple Mount. How is that possible?
It is incredibly difficult for Jews and Christians to even get in. The only times they can enter is Sunday to Thursday from 7 00 am to 10 30 am and another hour at noon time from 12 30 to 1 30. He talks about how as a guide for Christians and Jews, if he explains how important the sight is to Christians and Jews, the Muslim authorities start screaming at him, “There is no Jewish temple here!”
I know this screaming. My family was screamed at by authorities in Cairo days before the 6 Day War when my dad said we wanted to drive to Israel. They screamed, literally screamed in my dad’s face, that Israel does not exist. My dad, who had not one cowardly bone in his body, calmly but firmly responded, “Yes it does.” The apocalyptic hatred that was spewed back at us is something I will never forget.
Nothing has changed in all these years.
I don’t know why people keep pretending that there is some sort of solution for “two states” when one side will not even admit that the other side exists.
This video is 100% accurate. Please watch it.
I am not an “end times” expert by any means. But I did grow up hearing about prophecies from my father, Dave Hunt.
Here is one of his talks on the topic:
I know that the Bible says in the end times a powerful leader will rise up who will bring a false peace to the Middle East. But that peace will be short lived, and the entire world will come against Israel at which time the Messiah will descend to save his people. There are different interpretations of this, and I don’t spend my time arguing about it, since I believe no one knows for sure. I only know it makes sense that this is going to happen, one way or another, we can see it unfolding before our very eyes.
Pastor John MacArthur writes of this world leader, as presented in Revelation 13: “That the rider had a bow but no arrows, and that he was honored with a crown that was freely given to him, reveals that… he will not conquer by military force, but by cunning and deceit (cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11). His conquest will be a ‘cold war’ victory, a peace won by agreement, not conflict (Dan. 9:24-27). Even as the final doom of the world approaches, Antichrist will promise a golden age of peace and prosperity. In gratitude, the world will honor him and elevate him to the position of supreme leadership. But both the accolades and the peace will be short-lived.”
If Gazans are forcibly removed from Gaza and relocated in Jordan and Egypt, it could be perceived as an incredible feat of negotiation and peace will come for a short time, only to be broken when the entire Islamic world comes against Israel.
Because let’s get real. Peace with Isreal has never been the goal of Islam and the Arabs who are descended from Ishmael. The goal has been and will always be until the end of times, the total annihilation of every Jew on the planet.
I could be wrong, but I just don’t see how a Palestinian state is possible now. There is no good solution. There is only a reprieve for a time from the inevitable.
For anyone who has an ounce of honesty in their bodies, the fault of this goes back to 1948 when the Arabs consistently refused to share the land and attacked Israel over and over again over the years, instead of agreeing to a solution. Why should Israel continue this charade?
Oct 7th was the tipping point. Israel has no choice but to end the illusion of the Palestinian state forever and President Trump has finally said the silent part out loud.
The problem is this will only delay the inevitable. Israel will be blamed once again and the antisemitism that we see now is only the beginning of the deluge to come.
As the Bible says, the entire world will rise up against Israel:
“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zechariah 12:3.
“I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land.” Joel 3:2
I’m thankful that I have my faith in Jesus, my firm foundation. I realize not everyone is going to agree with me. But it doesn’t take a leap of faith to acknowledge that we are heading for a holy war of apocalyptic proportions, whether we like it or not.
We are damned if we do and we are damned if we don’t. But nothing else has worked. I don’t care if Trump wants to rebuild Gaza because he wants to put the biggest ever Trump Tower there or because he genuinely wants to help the Jews - he is pivoting away from the broken, idiotic ideas that have never delivered peace and never saved lives.
Agreed and I am finding the various people objecting to Trump's plan annoying. How can these people not understand that you can't put the Gazans back in place, who now probably hate Israel more than ever, a bad situation for all parties. Gazans would be better off anywhere other than near Israel.
And yes, I'm not a big believer in end times predictions but this scenario is quite close to those predicted events.