"The Quran is the most dangerous book in the world." ~ murdered activist Salwan Momika
Islam is not a religion of peace. Jihadists are true followers of Islam. Anyone who still defends the actions of these demons is complicit in their barbaric crimes.

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With each staged production of the hostages released, Hamas ups the ante.
On Thursday, they released the hostages in front of the bombed home of Yahya Sinwar, the dead mastermind behind the October 7, 2023, massacre.

Sinwar is a hero in Gaza. His picture alongside that of Ismail Haniyeh, killed by Israel in Tehran, was on the sides of the vehicles the hostages traveled in.
In the shocking video below, you can see how terrified and traumatized Arbel Yehod is, surrounded by a sea of Gazan men. The Red Cross vehicles are nowhere to be seen, and she is forced to wade through frenzied, jeering crowds, her only protectors the very terrorists who abducted her.
This sick production was meant to humiliate Israel and show off the might of Hamas. But I hope people see through the bravado to the reality that these are cowardly bullies who know nothing of the honor of a true warrior.
One thing is clear: The cult of Islam still has a stranglehold on Gazans. Just as it has with Muslims across the world.
The Gazans still worship at the feet of Allah’s soldiers, Hamas. Mothers still pray for their sons to be martyrs. They still hate Jews with an irrational hatred, indoctrinated by educators and imams to never rest until every Jew is killed. They still cry out “Allahu Akbar”, as they torture, rape and kill Jews—and all kafirs—commanded to do so by their prophet Mohammed.
I realize people resist the language of good and evil, God and Satan. The minute they see or hear such words, they switch off.
If after watching this most recent hostage release people don’t see that a spiritual battle is playing out before their eyes, then they are determined to be blind. And they will stay blind until that battle comes to their doorsteps and invades their homes, and their eyes are forced open. In that moment, they will wish they had listened to the truth sooner but by then, it will be too late.
Open your heart to the truth as you watch 80-year-old Gadi Moses reunited with his family. Later, in a beautiful gesture, he shaves the beard of his son who had vowed not to cut it until his father’s return.
Not much attention has been given to the 5 Thai hostages released and I want to acknowledge them here.
The Thais have been identified as Thenna Pongsak, Sathian Suwannakhan, Sriaoun Watchara, Seathao Bannawat and Rumnao Surasak.
At least 10 Nepali agricultural students were killed by Hamas while on an 'earn and learn' program in Israel. Two Filipino healthcare workers were also killed.
Hamas didn’t care who they killed and who they captured. These hostages weren’t enemies, weren’t soldiers, weren’t even remotely connected to the conflict. Yet Hamas held them hostage for months so they could exchange them for criminals and terrorists.
Face the Truth of Islam or Fall to It.
The sword is the heart of Islam. To be a martyr, and to kill as many infidels as possible in the process, is the highest calling and this is never going to change. The greatest command is to take over the world and establish the Caliphate. To subjugate every Jew and Christian, the “People of the Book”, or to kill them.
If infidels behave and bow to the Quran and Sharia law, they can live in subjugation. If they do not bow...
But if they break the conditions – such as if they commit acts of betrayal or treachery, or they prepare to fight us or help our enemies, and the like – then they have broken the treaty, and in that case there is no treaty between us and them, and they do not deserve to reside in security as they did not uphold the treaty.
Muslims believe they will bring about the apocalypse. It says so in the Quran. They believe a false Messiah will come to lead the Jews and Christians, and Muslims must kill them all. The Quran literally justifies the killing of every single Jew. This is why there can be no “moderate” Muslims. Either Muslims believe the Quran and the Hadiths, (although they may hide their belief from infidels, which Islam even encourages them to do), or they don’t believe it and they are deceiving themselves by thinking they are Muslims.
Such “moderates” might as well start a new religion and call it something else because they are not Muslims.
As Islam teaches: In the battle between the Christians and Jews, and the Muslims at the end of time, the aggressors will be the Christians and the Jews:
The fighting against the Jews that is mentioned in this hadith will occur at the end of time, when the Dajjal (the false Messiah) emerges and the Messiah ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him) descends and fights him.
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Dajjal will camp in this salty, barren ground in Marr Qanat [a valley in Madinah], and most of those who go out to him will be women, to the extent that a man will go back to his relative, to his mother, his daughter, his sister and his paternal aunt, and will tie her up for fear that she may go out to him. Then Allah will give the Muslims power over him, and they will kill him and his party, until a Jew will hide beneath a tree or a rock, and the rock or tree will say to the Muslim: ‘Here is a Jew beneath me; kill him.’”
When the Dajjal emerges, thousands of the Jews will follow him and rally around him, aiming to fight the Muslims. Then the Messiah ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him) will descend and the Muslims will rally around him to fight the Dajjal and his followers. ‘Eesa ibn Maryam will call the Jews to Islam, and he will not accept anything from them at that time except Islam. Some of them will become Muslim and some of them will remain followers of Judaism, then will come the battle that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) mentioned.
Thus it is clear that the battle, for the Muslims, will be a just and legitimate battle that Allah, may He be exalted, undoubtedly approves of. This is indicated by the following:
It will be against the Dajjal and his supporters who gathered to fight the Muslims. “They (the disbelievers, the Jews and the Christians) want to extinguish Allah’s Light (with which Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has been sent - Islamic Monotheism) with their mouths, but Allah will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the Kafiroon (disbelievers) hate (it)” [at-Tawbah 9:32].
It will be a battle fought by the Muslims under the leadership of ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him), one of the noble Messengers.
· Allah, may He be exalted, will honour the Muslims in this battle with this miracle, which is that rocks and trees will speak and call the Muslims to come and kill the Jews who will be hiding behind them.
All of this indicates that it will be a just battle that Allah approves of, as was the case with all the Islamic battles in which the aim was to make the word of Allah supreme on earth. “Whoever fights so that the word of Allah will be supreme is fighting in the way of Allah.” Narrated by Muslim (1915).
If you know your Bible it is pretty obvious that Mohammed stole all of this about the Messiah from the Bible and perverted to relate to Muslims not Christians. This is so ridiculous, yet nobody seems to have a problem with this obvious deception.
According to Teach Me Islam, for children:
In Islam, Eesa ibn Maryam is one of the greatest Prophets sent by Allah to guide the Children of Israel. His name literally means “Jesus, son of Mary,” which highlights his miraculous birth. Unlike the Christian belief, Muslims do not view Eesa (Jesus) as the son of God, but rather as a Prophet, servant of Allah, and one of the mightiest messengers.
Muslims draw Christians in by saying, “We believe in Jesus, too. We love Jesus! He is a revered prophet in Islam.” Indeed, Jesus is mentioned directly or indirectly 187 times in the Quran.
Most people are woefully ignorant of the Bible and the Quran and think wow, how nice, Muslims are so tolerant, we have so much in common with them.
No, we don’t. The Quran says Jesus is just a prophet. Muslims do not believe he is the Son of God.
But Jesus was not just a prophet. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. This was no small matter. It was very clear what he meant. In fact, this is why he was killed.
Because of Jesus’ claims, he could only be one of three things: either he was a liar and the biggest fraud of all time; or he was deluded and insane; or he was who he claimed to be.
I get very frustrated when people say Jesus was “a good man, the best man who ever lived, maybe, but just a man.”
That can never be true. If Jesus lied, then he was the most evil, deceitful, insane and dangerous man who ever lived.
Jews do not believe Jesus is the Messiah, but the goal of their religion isn’t to kill everyone who disagrees with them. There are Muslims and Jews who become Christians. I pray that everyone will come to know him as the Messiah. But as a follower of Jesus—who unlike Mohammed, taught love and peace, who said to love your enemies as yourself, do good to those who hate you, and who warned that following him meant the world would despise and reject you as they despised and rejected him—what I will NEVER do, is insist everyone believe like me or else be killed.
These distinctions between Islam and Christianity/Judaism are important. Yet, people shrug it all off and say, “Look where religion got us—all these wars. If it weren’t for religion, we wouldn’t have any problems.”
This thinking absolves people of the responsibility of making a choice between good and evil. They tell themselves there really isn’t anything worth standing up for, nothing worth fighting for.
But there is. Watch the video again of that one small woman in the midst of those demons and tell me there isn’t good and evil in this world.
It doesn’t really have anything to do with religion—or at least the way man has created religions around rituals and then killed one another as they argue over whose rituals are right and whose rituals are wrong. It doesn’t have to do with whether or not a person prays five times a day or prays to a rosary or washes their hands in a certain manner. It has to do with the spiritual battle between God and Satan and we are caught up in that, whether we like it or not.
But as I said earlier, at a certain point the truth of this battle will be impossible to deny because it will be staring in everyone’s faces. At that point, people will have to make a choice. And to choose the right path will take a courage hard for most people in the West to find. We don’t have the commitment that jihadists have. We have lived for so long with every convenience at our fingertips, distracted by constant entertainment, told there we should be tolerant of everyone’s truth while denying The Truth.
We don’t spend time strengthening ourselves spiritually, mentally or physically. So, I encourage people to start doing that today. Not tomorrow, not next week, but today. Strengthen yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. Don’t think about it. Just do it.
Look at what is happening in the UK. Look at what is happening in Europe. Western nations have lost their foundation, their faith. We see how Western nations are bowing to Islam even as they suppress the faiths and freedoms of their own culture and history. It is as if the West is committing mass suicide.
And I should just add, this is why fascism is rearing its ugly head. People who call themselves “Christians” are falling for fascism. They believe they have to build Christ’s Kingdom on earth, but this is just another kind of Caliphate. They see how their governments have abandoned them, and they are taking matters into their own hands.
Between the rise of fascism and the rise of Islam, these two sides have formed a weird kind of alliance in their common hatred of Jews. I am not an end times experts by any means, but I see this as very much foretold in biblical prophecy.
In the UK, parliamentary authorities blocked a Holocaust memorial exhibition from being held in Westminster Hall earlier this month.
They did this because it did not meet criteria for being “politically neutral”. On the other hand, pro-Palestine activists are allowed to campaign there.
In Sweden, a Sharia-style execution was carried out on Salwan Momika for the crime of publicly burning the Quran.
Momika described the Quran as “the most dangerous book in the world” and expressed a commitment to continue his "struggle against Islamic ideology," no matter the cost.
In one of his posts, he stated, “Since I started the struggle against Islam, I have paid and continue to pay the price, and I am ready for that, whatever the cost.”
This enraged Muslims throughout the world, and in the Middle East Swedish embassies were burned and ambassadors recalled.
Rather than condemning the actions of Islamists, and standing up for the rights of Momika, Swedish authorities bowed to Islam. Sweden’s Foreign Minister referred to his actions as "Islamophobia". Momika was tried in a court of law for “inciting ethnic hatred”. He was about to be sentenced when he was shot dead.
The other defendant in the case posted a message on X, stating: "I'm next."
Rebecca Mistereggen, a Norwegian journalist said, "Salwan Momika came to Europe to escape Islam, only to be killed by Islam. The line has to be drawn, the death toll is too high."
This is how twisted the West has become:
Burning the Quran will get you accused of “Islamophobia”, and you can go to prison.
There is no such thing as “Christianophobia” and you will not get sent to prison for burning a Bible.
Burning the Quran will get you killed by jihadists
There are no Christian jihadists who will kill you for burning a Bible.
Nobody should be killed for making fun of anyone else’s religion or for burning someone’s holy book as a protest. Now, if that holy book being burned is an ancient, illuminated manuscript like the Book of Kells, or a rare, ancient calligraphed copy of the Quran, that should be a punishable offense. But not a death sentence.
What kind of message does this send to Muslims? It tells them they can do anything they want; they can take vengeance in the name of Allah, and no one will stop them. It tells them Islamic Sharia law takes precedent over Western law grounded in Greek, Roman and Christian tradition.
Tomorrow, three more hostages are set to be released: Ofer Calderon, Keith Siegel, and Yarden Bibas. Keith Siegel, 65, is a U.S. citizen originally from North Carolina.
On October 7, 2023, Yarden Bibas was taken separately from his wife, Shiri, and their two young sons, Ariel and Kfir.
Hamas claimed that Shiri and the children were killed in captivity, a statement Israel has not officially confirmed but has acknowledged with “grave concern.” Yarden was reportedly wounded at the time of his abduction.
It was a year ago that Hamas released this propaganda video of a distraught Yarden, who had been told by Hamas that his wife and babies were killed by an Israeli airstrike. The cruelty of the psychological torture that Hamas inflicted upon this man is horrific.
There is little doubt that Shiri Bibas, and their two young sons, Ariel and Kfir, are no longer alive.
If, in fact, they are dead, what will Israel do? How many more terrorists will Israel have to release to buy back their bodies for burial.
Hamas is an army of demons. Gazans continue to worship these demons. Connect the dots.
It all leads back to the death cult of Islam.
We must stop this distinction between “Islamists” and Muslims. Those who follow Islam are Muslims. If you are a Muslim, it means you support the death of all Jews and Christians. If you are a Muslim, you welcome the Apocalypse and the opportunity to fight and kill all apostates, ushering in the Caliphate.
I end with this reminder again, because it is so hard for people to accept it. They just want to keep on being tolerant until their heads are chopped off.
There is no such thing as a “moderate” Muslim. A Muslim who says, “Oh, no, I don’t believe any of that hate stuff, I only believe in peace. Mohammed was such a peaceful guy, Islam is the religion of peace” is either lying (which the Quran encourages Muslims to do to infidels) or they are just as deluded as all the Westerners who keep on insisting the same thing.
I can assure you, when the time comes for jihadists to kill the Jews and Christians in their neighborhood, very few of those who defended Islam will have the courage to stand up for what is right.
Very few people EVER have the courage to stand up for what is right.
And yes, there is such a thing as right and wrong.
Muslims who do NOT believe in killing all Jews and Christians might as well start another religion and call it something else because they are not Muslims.
The Quran IS the most dangerous book in the world. And Islam is NOT a religion of peace. Stop defending it.
Most American minds are closed to your message. They want to believe in peace and love and equality and all that from the 1960’s. They cannot accept that real true evil hatred exists. But it does in Islam.
Wonderful piece Karen, thank you!
You are forthright, AND grounded in deep knowledge.
You wrote
"If after watching this most recent hostage release people don’t see that a spiritual battle is playing out before their eyes, then they are determined to be blind. And they will stay blind until that battle comes to their doorsteps and invades their homes, and their eyes are forced open. In that moment, they will wish they had listened to the truth sooner but by then, it will be too late."
This is my concern. It seems the UK is heading to the point of no return. I say with regret as an English man. Although with relief as I don't live there now.
I wonder what The Globalists (Marxists), who have facilitated this take over, expect they're going to do when it happens. I assume they think the Islamists are the useful idiots being used to batter the natives. But, where's there an example of that working out? The countries that were manipulated by the Soviets or the US in this way, working with Islamists to undermine a regime, all ended up with extreme versions of Islam, from what I can see.
What is "interesting" is, as you are clear, and others are starting to frame, this is a battle of good and evil, but from what I see both Islam and Marxism are anti human at the least, but Satanic most likely, what happens when they oppose each other? Assuming hatred, pain, chaos and destruction are the aims for Satan, then I guess it doesn't matter.