When I first started this writing journey, I thought I would just write maybe two essays a month. I didn’t want to inundate people with so many emails—how annoying! Well, now it seems I am writing up a storm! Honestly, I can’t keep up with all the topics I want to write about. I never imagined how much this would take over my life.
And so, I wanted to take this moment to thank all of my readers and listeners for being here with me.
I also want to say thank you to those of you who catch my mistakes and take the time to let me know. I work on these essays for hours at a time and sometimes the words all just start to run together. I do proofread but…I can’t catch everything.
I have made an important decision to stop putting up a paywall. I know I’m supposed to do this, but I’ve never felt right about it.
So, from now on, everybody can read everything! I enjoy recording my essays as well and I know that many people really like this feature. I would ask, though, if at all possible, please DO become a PAID subscriber. It’s only $5 per month, or $50 for the year. For the price of a latte, you can feed your mind for a month.
Here is my latest Inspirational Essay, in case you haven’t seen it, available to everyone: The Mystery of Language
One-time or recurring donations can now be made at Ko-Fi
I’m taking a big leap of faith and heading to Lake Arenal, Costa Rica at the end of March.
This is sure to give a whole new, deeper dimension to my writing. I’m really excited about this move, living closer to nature, the way I like it. I will be introducing some new features once I’m there. Who knows, it’s always possible I will head on to El Salvador after that. Covid cramped my style. I am a traveler at heart.
Besides all this writing that I do on Break Free with Karen Hunt, what else have I been up to for the past two years?
After I returned to the United States from Egypt, I made a commitment to help my daughter and her husband care for their 3 boys, all under the age of 5, one of them a newborn (no longer!). I am a firm believer in family helping family. I have lived for many years in villages where families stay together and support one another, and I truly believe this is how it should be, the older generation helping the younger ones. My grandsons are now old enough where I feel that I can take off for adventures once again—of course I will always return!
Above, you can see what I was doing yesterday, telling stories about mountains to my 5-year-old grandson's class.

After 8 months of being banned, my Twitter account has been reinstated.
Here is my Twitter account: karenalainehunt
I was a bit surprised, considering I don’t write the most flattering essays about Elon, check out I Dream of Musk. I’m well aware Twitter is not for everyone but as a writer, it’s the best place I know of to get the word out. When I was banned, it hurt the momentum I had worked so hard to build with my audience. What would be the point of all this writing if no one were to read it?
My goal is to reach as many people as possible—while still keeping a balance with my principles (like no checks). That said, I recognize my writing isn’t for everyone. I have stayed true to my original goal, which was to write essays, not sound bites, although I do also write shorter articles on occasion. I was told by some “experts” in the beginning that nobody would read my essays because nobody has the time, nor the attention span these days. Well, if I can get a few people to sit still and focus on one topic for longer than a few minutes before frantically moving on to the next sensational piece of news, then I’ve accomplished something!
So, that’s about it for now. Once again, thank you for taking the time to read and listen to my work. God bless you, everyone!
I hope your future blesses as many people as your past, Karen. I always enjoy your essays. Thank you for all that you do! ❤️
Karen, you are a gem and such a treasured friend to know and rely on for strength of heart
your words "I made a commitment to help my daughter and her husband care for their 3 boys, all under the age of 5, one of them a newborn (no longer!). I am a firm believer in family helping family. I have lived for many years in villages where families stay together and support one another, and I truly believe this is how it should be, the older generation helping the younger ones."
These words are so true. Sadly, there are many families angry and torn apart. My younger daughter has a controlling husband and he has huge grudges now.
I wish you all of the very best on your adventures in Costa Rica!!