It's not about Harris or Trump, it's about Transhumanism
If you want to know how bad it really is, here you are....
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By now, most of you must have seen parts of what I can only describe as the Satanic Olympics opening ceremony. At first, I thought surely this can’t be true. But it was true. No one cared. No one protested. They knew they could do it and nothing would happen. We have become completely immune to evil. More than that, we celebrate it.
Before I comment further on the ceremony, I want to point out something even more disturbing and show how the ceremony is another psychological ploy to prepare people for the transhuman agenda.
Probably most people missed it, but one of the most disturbing recent events that illustrates this agenda is Kamala Harris’s announcement that she is considering J.B. Pritzker for vice presidential candidate
Surely, that’s the least of our worries, you may say. No, it’s one of our biggest worries. She might not pick him, but it shows where her loyalty lies.
So, who is J. B. Pritzker and why does it matter?
J. B. Pritzker is part of the billionaire family pushing synthetic sex identities, or SSI, as Jennifer Bilek calls it.
“Synthetic sex identities” explains what’s going on far better than the nebulous “transgender” term.

This should give you more nightmares than the Olympic ceremony, because these are the powerful people behind the SSI movement. J. B. Pritzker is the cousin of Jennifer Pritzker, the first transgender billionaire.
As Bilek explains in her article for Tablet magazine: The wealthy, powerful, and sometimes very weird Pritzker cousins have set their sights on a new God-like goal: using gender ideology to remake human biology. Bilek clearly lays out the ways the Pritzker’s are funding this agenda, including, most horrifically, transitioning children:
For-profit medical corporations and nonprofit institutions that intersect with the goliath LGBT NGO infrastructure, many of which receive Pritzker funding, have created a political scaffolding to engineer the institutionalization of SSI ideology and medical practice in the United States—solidifying the concept of people being born in wrongly sexed bodies or wrongly being born in sexed bodies at all.
The Gender Multispeciality Service (GeMS) at Boston Children’s Hospital, “the first major program in the U.S. to focus on gender-diverse and transgender adolescents,” was founded in 2007. “Since that time,” says the GeMS website, “we have expanded our program to welcome patients from ages 3 to 25.” The first such clinic for children in the Midwest, the Gender & Sex Development Program at Lurie Children’s Hospital, opened in Chicago in 2013 with a $500,000-$1 million gift pledge from Pritzker. (The husband of Jean “Gigi” Pritzker, another cousin, sits on Lurie’s board of directors.) The Gender Mapping Project estimates that there are now thousands of similar “gender clinics” around the world, and over 400 that offer to medically manipulate the sex of children.
I encourage everyone to read Bilek’s new book, Transsexual Transgender Transhuman to find out everything you need to know about this, the ultimate battle that we face. The battle for the very souls of our children.
While we are distracted fighting over who should be president, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, this is the deeper, darker conquest. Transhumanism and ultimately, posthumanism. But not for thee and me. For the elites who want to “transcend” humanity. We mere humans are rats in the lab, to be experimented on for their pleasure.
Billionaires pay scientists, researchers, academics, and of course, the media, to realize their goal. Since Covid saw billions of people throughout the globe submitting themselves and their children to experimental mRNA injections, the gods of this world have achieved their goal of convincing most of humanity to willingly offer themselves and their children on the altar of Big Pharma to be drugged, injected and cut up for what they are told is their own “health & safety” but what is really the search for immortality.
How do we know this? We see the signs everywhere if we are willing to open our eyes. Just a reminder of how powerful the media can be, here is the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony telling us exactly what to expect when the “pandemic” hit.
Keep in mind what Alan Watts said, “Predictive programming is the power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome.”
As always, disturbingly, the focus is on capturing children in this web of evil:
I didn’t think anything could be more frightening than the 2012 Olympics ceremony, but this year is worse. Perhaps because we now know that these things don’t happen by chance. We are being told exactly what to expect next.
And Kamala Harris is the servant who wants to see it all come to pass. In perfect harmony with the Olympics opening ceremony, and certainly it was planned that way, Kamala appeared in a Ru Paul ‘Drag Race’ cameo, encouraging everyone to get out and vote because everyone has the right to “be who they are.”
Sounds innocent enough, until you realize that this is the lie being pushed on our children: that they can be anything they want. If they were born “in the wrong body” they can change it. And anyone standing in their way will be dealt with by those in power.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom just signed a bill banning schools from notifying parents of child's gender identity
You can be sure Kamala is right there cheering Newsom on.
Kamala appeared along with RuPaul's Drag Race star Nicky Doll and Drag Race France queens Paloma and Piche, who were also in the Olympics opening ceremony. Here they are at the mock Last Supper table:
Thomas Jolly, the ‘queer’ artistic director behind the Olympics opening and closing ceremony said he wanted “everyone to feel represented.” Again, this is the theme. It echoes exactly Kamala’s message on the drag queen show.

Furthermore, it is no coincidence that at the end of Kamala’s little speech on Ru Paul’s show, host Jackson asks: “Can I get an amen?!”
Just like in church. Just like so many Christians would say when a pastor or teacher has said something profound or wonderful from the Bible, and they want to praise God for it.
But these creatures are not praising God, they are praising Satan. They are turning everything we know to be good and true and righteous upside down and perverting it.
Here are some photos from the ceremony. The first photo below is the Olympic perversion of the Last Supper. The bottom photo is Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, The Last Supper.
Here are a few other photos. You can see the woman with a Christ-like halo on her head at the center of the table, surrounded by her disciples, I guess.
The ceremony opened with what looked like the Greek Goddess of pleasure, Hedone, or maybe the goddess of gluttony and greed, Adephagia. It’s clearly a man, but man or woman or gender fluid, it doesn’t really matter anymore.
Children are part of the scene. They are watching the above perversion, just to the left of this picture frame.
And below, children dance in what looks like the beginning of an orgy. But don’t be such a party pooper. They are celebrating the freedom we all now have to be anything or anyone we want. No longer do we need to hold back. No reason to feel guilt or shame. There is no right or wrong, evil or good. Be as perverse as you want and do it with children.
Everything that could be done to mock Christianity, they did. And in doing so, they also mocked Judaism, although perhaps not everyone caught that. Christians and Jews are commanded to put no gods before the one true God, Yahweh. We should not bow down and worship false idols. But what did they put on full display? A Golden Calf.
This is serious stuff, folks. Here are the Bible verses, Exodus 20:3-5, and the warning from God:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me…
Then, as if they knew how they would anger God, they dared God to punish them by adding a Pale Horse to the extravaganza…
Described as Death in the Book of Revelation, the rider of the pale horse is accompanied by Hades and given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
So, there you have it, a harkening back to the pandemic, pestilence, war, death, and in all the horror of it we are supposed to turn our hope to the Golden Calf, and not to God.
Remember that the Israelites built the Golden Calf because they got tired of waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain with the 10 Commandments given to him by God.
We are supposed to reject our Judeo-Christian heritage but affirm Islam. Islam is a perversion of Judaism and Christianity. It is stolen from Gods Holy Word, the Old and New Testament. You don’t have to agree with me. I have written plenty about this and I will write more, so I won’t say more about it here.
And guess what, we are further being mocked by being told the ceremony was “beautifully French – we just didn’t get it.”
I had to ask myself, what would have happened if queer artistic director Jolly had enacted something like this mocking Muslims. What would have happened if instead drag queens had pranced around reciting the Quran and maybe stomping on it as a “symbolic” gesture of freedom for all?
No images or idols are allowed in Islam as well. What if they had pranced about in an erotic manner with a blow-up Muhammad and then maybe burned it at a stake or something? I don’t know, I can be creative too.
We all know what would happen. France especially should know better than to make the lame claim it’s being “beautifully French”. It was in 2015 that one of the most horrific attacks happened in France. Islamic terrorists unleashed hell on the newspaper Charlie Hebdo for lampooning the Prophet Muhammad, leaving 12 people dead. Afterwards the terrorists shouted, “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad. We have killed Charlie Hebdo!”
Jews and Christians do not respond in this violent manner. We believe in free speech. In creative expression. Artists always push the envelope. But this goes beyond artists expressing their creativity. This is a clear agenda, being promoted from all sides, including the government.
It is Judaism and Christianity that must be destroyed in our Western culture. Not Islam.
You can read about the Last Supper in Matthew 26:17-30. It’s important to note that it takes place on Passover. Passover is the Jewish holiday commemorating the Hebrews’ liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the angel of death, sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus.
Jesus has a last supper with his disciples before he is crucified. He warns his disciples that one of them will betray him. He gives them the bread and the wine and says to drink it in remembrance of him. No, it does not turn into his actual body and blood. It is a symbol. That’s all. But a powerful one. I was raised to perform this ritual every Sunday in the Plymouth Brethren church.
Christians all over the world remember Jesus in this way. What does it mean? It harkens back to the Garden of Eden, when sin entered the world. When Adam and Eve believed the lie of Satan that if they ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would become like God, and they surely would not die.
But the opposite happened. In disobeying God’s one command, mankind was forever cut off from God their creator. A way had to be found to redeem mankind. In the ultimate act of love and self-sacrifice, God become flesh. In dying on the cross, Jesus took the sins of the world on his shoulders, as the only sinless man, and rose triumphant, overcoming death.
Perhaps the most important verse in the Bible for Christians is John 3:16. I was taught this verse before any other verse in Sunday school:
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus opened the door to salvation for all of us. This is the door through which everlasting life can be attained. This is what Christians believe.
Transhumanists hate the Bible. They hate the Jewish faith and the Christian faith. They hate Jesus and they hate God. They do not want to go through the door God has provided for them. They want to find another way. Their way. They want to be God. The oldest temptation, going all the way back to the Garden of Eden. But they will never succeed. The way to the Tree of Life is blocked. They are doing everything they can to find it.
So, again, it is no coincidence that the Last Supper, the heart of Christian symbolism that happened on the Jewish holiday of Passover—where God saved his people— is what these monsters choose to present to the world in a perverted, mocking form. At a time when the Jewish people are in a war to save their very existence.
These monsters are sticking up the middle finger to God. They are proving their hatred and their rebellion and their celebration of their fallen nature. They flaunt their sins in God’s face and in the faces of every human that they want to join them in their demonic quest for immortality.
Kamala Harris is complicit in this evil. It is right here for all of us to see if we have eyes in our heads and discernment in our hearts.
I don’t think we have ever experienced a greater evil than we are experiencing right now. If you have a minute, please look at this short clip from Jordan Peterson’s interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast. I have my criticisms of both of these guys, but in talking about what these monsters are doing to children, Peterson nails it, and Rogan gives him the platform to do it:
“I've never seen anything worse than what's happening right now. And that includes the sorts of things that were done in the camps in Germany. At least the goddamn Naz*s admitted what they did was wrong. They tried to hide it. We trumpet it as a moral virtue.” “These surgical procedures are so brutal and so experimental that they're—I'm going to say it again—they're worse than what the Mengele types did in the concentration camps in the thirties and forties. And that's a pretty goddamn low bar.”
I wouldn’t agree that the Nazi’s admitted what they did was wrong or that they necessarily tried to hide it. But Peterson is right when he says we trumpet these experiments on children as a moral virtue. It is sickening that the United States government actually encourages and celebrates the sterilization and mutilation of children.
I had hoped that perhaps we had seen the end of the sick Drag Queen story hours that were flooding the media a few months ago. But we only had a respite. Now the nightmare is back full force, worse than ever before.
But “God is not mocked whatever you reap, that will you sow.”
This transhumanist agenda is everywhere around us. And while Donald Trump doesn’t actively promote it, I doubt he will stop it. If there’s money to be made, he will make the deals.
A rash of tech billionaires are pivoting to Trump
Elon Musk explicitly endorsed Trump over the weekend and, according to The Wall Street Journal, inked a nine-figure donation promise to a new pro-Trump political action committee called America PAC. David Sacks, the billionaire tech investor, co-hosted a fundraiser last month at his San Francisco home and spoke at the Republican National Convention on Monday. Other contributors to America PAC include the Winklevoss twins, Doug Leone of Sequoia Capital and Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale, according to Federal Election Commission filings.
Transhumanism is the new religion. AI is the golden calf that we should all worship.
Just look at Elon Musk’s recent complaints about his “daughter” transitioning from a male to someone named Vivian Jenna Wilson. Musk says he was fooled by doctors. This is the man who wants to microchip our brains and make us one with machines. If that isn’t transhumanism, I don’t know what is. So, the messages can be confusing, and it’s meant to be because we are supposed to believe if we choose one side over the other, we will be saved. Not so.
Recording artist Grimes, who has three children with Musk—X Æ A-Xii, Exa Dark Sideræl and Techno Mechanicus—defended Vivian. (And I am not saying Vivian, as an adult shouldn’t be free to do what he wants with his body. But he is not a woman)
“... I too enjoy changing my body with tattoos and stuff,” Grimes commented. “But if we're made in [God’s] image, and he gave us the capacity to change it, beautify it, make it unique, that is God’s image too.”
“For me God is the universe, not just infinite, but infinite possibility,” she added.
And there you have it again. The same message, pounded into our brains in a hundred different ways. You can be anything. You are made it God’s image—but that is the image of transhumanism, which is totally against the God who created us in his image.
Returning to Matthew 26:24, at the last supper, Jesus gives a warning to his disciples that we all should heed:
“The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.”
Evil will never win. But it’s going to cause a lot of trouble along the way. Keep your eyes open and don’t be fooled.
Spot on, Karen! I've been saying for a while now there is a new religion spreading across the west. It's an abomination. Satan has always wanted to be above God and is deceiving people into believing they can be their own god. There are so many similarities to the Tower of Babel. Ironically, this new religion preaches "Just Be Kind," but if you don't agree with the core tenets of their faith, which are abominations, they will be anything but kind to you.
First, omg, I'd seen the photo an' a clip from that Last Trans Supper with my jaw dropped (it wasn't even interestin'--just a buncha overweight drag queens mockin' a holy scene)....but the Golden Calf too? Beyond signalin'--I had not seen that. I did see some kinda scene they did recreatin' the decapitation of Marie Antoinette with a lotta bloody trees an' mannequins covered in blood with no heads... it was worse than any horror movie--WHAT this has ta do with athletic achievements I have no clue.
IMHO, "they" (those runnin' this show--an' it is a show) are really laffin' at us--mockin' all of us cruelly. I'd never refuse camp in good fun (may Richard Simmons RIP sweatin' ta the oldies in heaven in his little tube socks!) but this isn't even camp (gay or not)-- it's not only satanic an' dark but just plain mean--mean spirited to think so little of the public, to deride those with judeo-christian values. It also insults the athletes. I mean how disrespectful to those good sportsmen /sportswomen who have worked so very hard ta compete an' came from all over the world to share their skill an' talents an' be mocked like this?
Shoot, it ain't French at all except it's (pardon my French:) MERDE! Incroyable! It's beyond bad taste, it's cruel an' ugly all rolled inta one. France used to have great talent and an eye for beauty!--an' elegance! -- I see none of it there. Shame on La France (mebbe cuz they gotta trannie in office--i.e. Brigitte?)
As for CamelToe pickin' the Pritzkers...I think they were already palsy with the Obamas with the Ill-A-Noise connections. Yes, quite the fam, those Pritzkers--first a beauty pose that's just 'bout as "stunnin' " as seein' Admiral Rachel Levine smile "girlishly" as she tells the world the lie that hormone therapy is fully irreversible based on....nothing---so Jenny from "the puberty block"?! is ready for her close-up...
It might be of interest too that JB’s cousin Tom Pritzker, CEO of the Pritzker Organization, was named in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.
The Prtizkers an' trans / trans-humanist Martine Rothblatt (with silicone/silicon girlfriend "Bima") are the biggest trans-movement funders--add in Ray Kurzweil an' it's a trans party--"on steroids !" (jokin'? not!)
But we all need an anti-dote to all that horrific onslaught of trans insanity so just in case folks are gonna blame the "chews"--I'd say here's a few of the most outspoken folks against these toxic trends who are also chews... (gotta have balance in the face of the haters ;-)
1. The late GREAT Judith Reisman who fought all her life against sexualization of the media an' children bein' exposed to it... (the Anti-Kinsey lady!) --
2. Dr. Miriam Grossman, author of "Trans Nation," who some'll recall from Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman?"--she's been very outspoken against the trans groomin' of kids:
3. Abigail Shrier, who got canceled for writin', "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters"
My head is spinnin' as this feels so unreal an' yet it's there in livin' lurid color