Hamas announces names of next four hostages to be released tomorrow
"Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in this world" Churchill
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Hamas has announced the names of the next four hostages to be released tomorrow. Karina Ariev, Daniella Gilboa, Naama Levy, and Liri Albag.
The photos of Naama Levy haunt me still. Thank God she will finally be coming home.

From Naama's mother:
“You have seen the video of my daughter Naama Levy. Everyone has. You have seen her dragged by her long brown hair from the back of a Jeep at gunpoint, somewhere in Gaza, her gray sweatpants covered in blood. You may have perhaps noticed that her ankles are cut, that she’s barefoot and limping. She is seriously injured. She is frightened. And I, her mother, am helpless in these moments of horror.
On October 7, Naama had been sleeping at Kibbutz Nahal Oz, and was awakened by the chaotic sound of a missile barrage. At 7 a.m., she sent me a WhatsApp message: ‘We’re in the safe room. I’ve never heard anything like this.’ That was the last I heard from her.
The next day, I saw the video, but the woman in the footage was so bloodied and disheveled it was hard to tell if it really was her. Naama’s father called and confirmed the terrible news.
Before that day, every video our family had taken of Naama was joyful—dancing with friends, laughing with her three siblings, and simply enjoying life. Naama is only 19, but she’ll always be my baby girl. A girl who truly believes in the good of all people. She enjoys athletics and dreams of a career in diplomacy, and her greatest passion is helping those in need. As a girl, she was a member of the ‘Hands of Peace’ delegation, which brings together American, Israeli, and Palestinian youths to promote global social change.
But now, one video, totally unrepresentative of the life she had led until October 7, is how the world knows her.”
How this mother has endured such heartache is beyond understanding. And how it angers me when people comment on social media about how happy and healthy the hostages look when they are released, as if they have been on a holiday. What’s wrong with these people. It’s disgusting.
Hamas has said it will release these four young women, all female soldiers, in exchange for 180 Palestinian prisoners. The agreement stipulates that for each of the hostages, Israel will release 50 Palestinian prisoners, 30 of them convicted terrorists who are serving life sentences. Deals with the Devil, such a nightmare.
However, Hamas has reportedly breached the hostage release agreement. The Gaza ceasefire deal stipulates that Hamas must release all female civilian hostages before moving to categories such as female soldiers, the elderly, and the seriously ill.
The expectation was that civilian Arbel Yehud would be among the four released this weekend.
The fact that she is not on the list is worrying news. Arbel is thought to be held by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group and not Hamas.
Arbel Yehud, 28, (now 29), was taken hostage with her boyfriend, Ariel Cunio, from their Kibbutz Nir Oz home, when Hamas terrorists launched their attack, killing and kidnapping a quarter of the kibbutz residents.
Arbel’s brother, Dolev Yehud, was killed on October 7 while defending the kibbutz and his remains were identified on June 3, 2024.
The Yehud siblings are the third generation of their family living on the kibbutz.
The Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) holding Arbel Yahud is a Sunni Islamist militant group seeking to establish an Islamist Palestinian state that is committed to the destruction of Israel. It is the second-largest militant group in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, founded in 1979 as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The group has drawn inspiration from the Iranian revolution and receives support from Iran, Syria, and Lebanese Hizballah. PIJ’s military wing, al-Quds Brigades, has been responsible for many attacks on Israeli targets since the 1990s. (1)

Bit by bit, Hamas releases the hostages, playing this game of psychological warfare. Hamas seeks to control the emotions, the hopes, the fears of all Israelis. It can do this because Israelis care about the lives of their people, which Hamas considers a weakness, while Hamas serves the death cult of Islam, at the command of their god, Allah and his prophet Mohammed, to kill all unbelievers, especially Jews.
Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …"
Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."
Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"
Israel estimates that approximately a third, or potentially as many as half, of the more than 90 hostages still in Gaza have died. But Hamas will not even reveal who is dead and who is alive. Not even when it comes to Kfir and Ariel Bibas, kidnapped at ages nine months and four years. I pray that they are not dead, but the bitter truth is that they probably are.
Imagine, if Israel did that with the Hamas terrorists it holds in prison. Imagine if some of them were actually dead, but Isreal wouldn’t say which ones. And then, it started giving back dead bodies. The world would explode in rage against Israel. There would be no end to the accusations and demands of retribution.
Yet somehow the world has no problem with Hamas playing this sick game with the lives of innocent Israelis, even babies.

Immediately, Hamas crawled out of hiding, they instigated a reign of terror in Gaza, executing “collaborators”, opening fire on them in the streets.
And yet, it would appear that Gazans haven’t learned anything since Oct 7th. You can see them celebrating Hamas’ return, taking selfies with the militants, just as they celebrated over a year ago when Hamas brought the hostages into Gaza, spitting on and hitting their bodies, dead or alive.
Nothing has changed, actually, not since the time of Abraham. We shouldn’t be surprised that it doesn’t end. Here is just one of the propaganda photos from the last time Donald Trump was president.
No matter what name they go by, ISIS or Hamas or the PIJ or anything else, death of all infidels is their goal.
Those antisemites calling themselves “Christians” who say Jews and Christians have nothing in common and Christians have no obligation to stand by Jews, say this because they hate Jews, plain and simple. Muslims know the Bible better than these supposed Christians. Muslims know that Jews and Christians are their enemy, and that Christians stand by Israel. We are all infidels to them, that must die or convert. And we never will.
I have my criticisms of Donald Trump, but I pray that he will stand with Israel as he promised. Yes, we can be thankful the hostages are coming home—and we pray they will. Afterwards, or if Hamas breaks the deal along the way, Israel and the United States MUST go in and finish the job. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool and a hypocrite. Because if this had happened in the United States, you can be sure every citizen would be calling on our president to unleash a fury much greater than Israel has done. And that’s a fact.
Where the hell is the Bibas family? I fear the worst. A mother and her babies disappear into a terrorist hellhole and no world leader even speaks their names.
How little the world has learned since Churchill spoke those words. Thank you for publishing the photos and keeping alive the images of these innocent lives, and the images of the horrors visited on them. I recently saw TV news footage of Naama Levy with the back of her pants blurred out, as if viewers shouldn't see that she had been brutalized in the worst ways. This is how American news outlets continue to protect terrorist monsters.