Break Free News Update November, 2023
"The reason that I could not appeal to [Hamas] as a Muslim is that they had already killed my wife.” ~ Hamid Abu Ar'ara, a Bedouin who survived an attack by Hamas militants on October 7th.
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More than 300,000 pro-Palestinian protesters march in Washington DC. A sign advocates cleaning the world of Jews.
For the past six months I’ve been “undercover” researching a project which I plan to reveal in my second THE BIG PICTURE essay due out in December. Despite the strain this put on my ability to keep up with my Break Free writing and on my health, this promises to be one of my most inspirational essays to date—and that’s the exact opposite of what I expected. I can’t wait to share what I learned during this incredible time.
In October, I published my first THE BIG PICTURE, How Anthrax & the War on Terror Brought Us to the Brink of WWIII, which includes former US Airforce personnel, Robyn Ruffo’s account of how the anthrax vaccine destroyed her health and career. If you haven’t read/listened to the essay yet, you can do so HERE.
Some essays I’m working on to look forward to: Zuckerberg's Magical, Marvelous Metaverse is Hell on Earth; Hard Facts: From the River to the Sea; Out of the Sahara: a prayer for peace and the My World Project.
Okay, here are some of the most informative, terrifying and inspiring stories that I found this month.
Let’s start with some Bizzaro World stuff—the unveiling of Vienna’s new fountain, celebrating 150 years of the city’s natural spring water supply, at a cost of 1.8 million Euros of taxpayer money.
Contrast that modern monstrosity with this Vienna fountain created in 1902.
And ask yourself this: Is humanity progressing or not?
#wearamask isn’t going anywhere.
In fact, I’ve noticed more and more people putting masks back on, here in Phoenix and in Los Angeles. This illustrates how successful the media has been at dividing people into two camps, each one thinking that the others are the stupid, contaminated, dangerous ones.
It’s not a crisis, it’s an invasion.
CBP revealed that in September there were 269,735 encounters with illegal immigrants attempting to cross into the country, the highest number ever recorded, and that close to 2.5 MILLION have crossed the border this fiscal year.
How many actually made it into the country? Well, Border Patrol released over 900,000 illegal immigrants into the interior of the United States in Fiscal Year 2023.
Across the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom, hundreds of thousands are protesting and rioting against Israel and in solidarity with Palestine...
An elderly Jewish man has died after being struck by a Pro-Palestinian protester in Los Angeles
The incident took place in Thousand Oaks. This hits home for me, since I am returning to Thousand Oaks in a couple of weeks.
It’s not about Palestine, it’s about hatred of Jews.
But as I have warned many times in my essays, we are being pushed towards extremism. The more incidents like this that occur, the more hatred will build on both sides. This is an escalation of what we saw during the BLM riots. Being a Jewish or Muslim parent in America right now (or the UK, or Germany, etc.) must be terrifying. I would fear for my children going to school every day. We must do all we can to stand against hatred and extremism.
Three Jewish students at Cornell, Barnard and NYU talk about what it now means to be Jewish on college campuses in America.
In the interview below, they describe how hearing words thrown around on college campuses and in protests, such calling for an “intifada”, “gas the Jews”, “Hitler was right” in such a careless way is harmful and devastating. These are not calls for peace. These are not calls for Palestinian rights. These are calls for the blood of Jews to be shed. Historically, we know it doesn’t take much to spark antisemitism. This is how it starts, with propaganda, with antisemitic rhetoric…
Suddenly, “diversity” and “inclusion” do not include Jews.
At Cornell University professors are saying they are exhilarated by Hamas’s actions. They said this after the arrest of a student posting threats to “slit the throats of Jews on campus”, to “throw them off cliffs”, to “bomb their living facilities and the only kosher dining hall on campus”. Professors are telling Jewish students that they are the real oppressor and that the Jews deserve what came for them.
Some of the comments these articulate young women made during the interview: This is Jew hatred, plain and simple. This is something that must have been bubbling beneath the surface. For so many people to have rallied so quickly, before Israel even launched its ground response. People took to the streets not even four days after the attack on Israel to protest for the Palestinian people. Israel had not even responded yet. So right there you see this anger towards the Jewish people towards the Jewish state all ready to go, already boiled up.
Thankfully, more than 300 Ivy League Faculty Members from Columbia University and Barnard College signed an open letter expressing their dismay at the recent surge in antisemitic incidents on campus:
Here’s a video highlighting protests around the world:
Where, one might ask, are the protests against Hamas, the terrorist organization that holds not only over 200 Israeli hostages, but its own people, the Palestinians, hostage. I could not find one protest demanding the arrest and conviction of Hamas’s leaders as war criminals. Why aren’t protestors demanding that neighboring Arab states take in Palestinian refugees, something they have categorically refused to do.
Below is the extraordinary story of Hamid Abu Ar'ara, a Bedouin father who survived an attack by Hamas militants on October 7th.
He was on his way to work, being driven by his wife, Fatima, when a group of motorcycles passed and started shooting at the car. His wife was killed. Please be warned that this is a disturbing video.
Hamid Abu Ar'ara:
“Do not be impressed by any humanitarian gestures from Hamas. These are only calculated for the foreign press. They are killing machines. The reason that I could not appeal to them as a Muslim is that they had already killed my wife.”
He saw Hamas kill other Bedouin Muslims at point blank range who pleaded not to be killed.
Yes, Israel has been put into an impossible position and its leaders have blood on their hands for their part in this nightmare situation. If Israel does not move forward and root out the evil deep under Gaza in those tunnels, it risks the extermination not only of the state of Israel, but of Jews across the globe.
As civilian casualties in Gaza mount, watch the world abandon Israel and turn against it.
'Nobody's hands are clean': Obama, Democrats break with Biden on support for Israel.
Democratic support for President Joe Biden is wavering when it comes to his backing of Israel amid its conflict with Hamas, with several members of his own party, including former President Barack Obama, saying more must be done to avoid killing Palestinian civilians.
…Obama, who has for the most part kept a low profile since leaving the presidency, in comments that surfaced over the weekend, appeared to split with his former vice president who has publicly supported Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu, saying, "nobody's hands are clean."
What is space but another place from which to wage war.
Israel shoots down a ballistic missile in SPACE.
The Israel Defense Forces intercepted a rocket near the edge of space, fired from Yemen by Houthi rebels. The missile, downed by Israel's Arrow system after a 1,000-mile flight, marked a notable defense move against what the Houthis warn is a series of retaliatory attacks for Israeli actions in Gaza.
Misguided western youth protesting for freedom and against the ‘apartheid’ Israeli state, should pay attention to what happens to those who dare raise a voice for freedom in the Muslim world.
Misguided youth like the one here, who we can only assume, judging by the sign she carries, advocates for the rape of women and killing of babies by Islamic extremists, need to sit at the feet and learn from Iranian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi and Iranian Human Rights Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. These women know what it means to protest based on convictions that lead to torture and death, not the latest woke cause that leads to nothing but self-righteous gratification.
Sotoudeh was arrested at the funeral on October 29 of Tehran teenager Armita Geravand, who went into a coma and died after allegedly being badly beaten by the country's morality police for not wearing a hijab.
Sotoudeh is being held in Qarchak Women's Prison, a former industrial chicken farm an hour's drive outside of central Tehran.
"She is being held in an open, over-crowded section that gives her a bed and nothing else,” said her husband, Reza Khandan. She is experiencing heart problems, but officials won’t let her see a doctor because she “categorically refuses to wear a hijab”.
What’s the big deal, the girl with the sign “resist colonial power by any means necessary” would say, just put on the hijab and see the doctor. If she knew she faced Sotoudeh’s fate for protesting, would she still protest? Of course not. In two seconds, her resistance would turn to compliance. She would cry and beg. All of her convictions would be shown up for what they are—meaningless words meant for momentary fame on social media.
If you have teenagers, please have them read, or read together, my essay, The Reluctant Revolutionary. In it, the narrator, Alec, honors the memory of Dr. Farrokhroo Parsai, who was dragged through the streets of Tehran in a sack before being shot to death. I shared the letter she wrote to her children from prison, and I share it again here:
“I am a doctor so I have no fear of death. Death is only a moment and no more. I am prepared to receive death with open arms rather than live in shame by being forced to be veiled. I am not going to bow to those who expect me to express regret for fifty years of my efforts for equality between men and women. I am not prepared to wear the chador and step back in history.”
Carrying a sign and marching in favor of these oppressive regimes desecrates the graves of all who have stood up to tyranny in the face of torture and death. Truly, we have lost our way and are stepping back in history.
Here is Kamala Harris' stepdaughter Ella Emhoff posing on social media. She helped to raise $8M for Gaza.
The fact that she can pose like that and not face dire consequences is precisely because she doesn’t live under Sharia law as do the Gazans whom she somehow thinks she can help by getting the masses to notice her pose. Don’t people see how twisted, confused and hypocritical our culture has become?
Fighting for freedom is not something you do by posing on social media and gaging your success by how many “likes” you get. In the real world, freedom is a constant struggle and sometimes, yes, it even involves bloodshed.
Adding insult to injury, it’s unclear how much, if anything, Ella Emhoff has personally donated to the cause. -NY Post
Compare Emhoff’s pose to this photo of Narges Mohammadi.
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi began a hunger strike Monday over being blocked together with other inmates from getting medical care and to protest the country's mandatory headscarves for women, a campaign advocating for the activist said.
The stories of these brave women are true but they are lost in a sea of fakery. It is becoming harder and harder to discern fact from fiction.
The Telegraph reports that, since the Hamas atrocities in Israel, one in five social media accounts participating in conversations about the attacks is fake. Around 30,000 fake accounts on X, formerly known as Twitter, have been spreading pro-Hamas disinformation.
Sidenote: I’m getting to the point where I refuse to use these new buzz words that have been pushed on us, like “misinformation”, ‘disinformation”, “malinformation”, “controlled opposition” and so forth, except in the context of warning about them, as I did all the way back in July 2021 in Now it's the Disinformation Dozen, Next it will be Us.
I prefer to use the straightforward word LIES. All these new words are meant to confuse us, make us think there is no actual Truth, just variations of it depending on the latest fad. Lies are lies. As a child, I learned this basic fact. Even for something as small as lying about whether or not I had eaten a cookie when I had been told I needed to wait until dinner. Admitting the truth and learning that there are consequences in the real world for lying, for not being an honorable person, was among the most basic training that I received as a child, and something I tried to pass on to my own children.
Rashida Tlaib knows how to twist the truth to suit her purposes. Michigan Democrats bash Tlaib for Palestinian comments.
Tlaib, who is the only Palestinian American member of Congress, tweeted that “From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate. My work and advocacy are always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity.”
No. What Tlaib said is a lie. From the river to the sea means the total destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew.
What is genocide and which country is most at fault in modern times?
The word “genocide” is being thrown around a lot lately in relation to Israel and I will write a piece about that. The fact is, it’s so much hypocrisy. The history of humanity’s “progress” is built upon one group invading another’s territory, overpowering them, enslaving them, stripping the land of its wealth. Why haven’t hundreds of thousands protested against genocides being committed right now, in at least 10 countries, including Yemen, Myanmar, Syria, and Sudan?
There is no “post war era”. Continuous wars since World War I and II have led us to the brink of World War III.
The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II.
The commemoration of the War to End All Wars acknowledges that 15 million lives were lost in the course of World War I (1914-18).
The loss of life in the second World War (1939-1945) was on a much larger scale, when compared to World War I: 60 million lives both military and civilian were lost during World War II. (Four times those killed during World War I).
The largest WWII casualties were China and the Soviet Union:
26 million in the Soviet Union,
China estimates its losses at approximately 20 million deaths.
Germany and Austria lost approximately 8 million people during WWII; Japan lost more than 2.5 million people. The US and Britain respectively lost more than 400,000 lives.
The Dangers of Nuclear War are Real. They are “Profit Driven”. Under Joe Biden, public funds allocated to nuclear weapons are slated to increase to 2 trillion by 2030 allegedly as a means to safeguarding peace and national security at taxpayers expense. (How many schools and hospitals could you finance with 2 trillion dollars?).
U.S. military forces were directly responsible for about 10 to 15 million deaths during the Korean and Vietnam Wars and the two Iraq Wars.
In the latter wars there were between nine and 14 million deaths in Afghanistan, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, East Timor, Guatemala, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sudan.
Humans have now invented new ways to wage war. Be prepared as cyberwarfare invades your home.
The meme below is funny, but most of us can relate to how out of hand our online lives have become.
From random threatening calls and text messages to haunting smart homes. This affects homeowners who control their appliances, lights, and other devices through an internet connection.
"Think of yourself or anyone at 4:30 in the morning, then all of a sudden the shades go up and down, the lights go on and off, children are waking up, it feels like the house is haunted," Messing said.
Cyber analysts believe the hackers include teens as young as 16 years old to sophisticated state sponsored governments conducting attacks from Russia, Indonesia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, and even some on the Gaza Strip.
Messing says one of the groups called Ghosts of Palestine leaked credentials of civilians using Israeli government websites.
"People are amplifying information, quite often misinformation or disinformation, that is most often consistent about their point of view," said Rep. Himes. "So there's a lot of people trying to wade through everything they see on social media to figure out what is true."
From widespread hacks to data breaches--one of the largest affecting a university where Messing says hackers leaked 250,000 records of students and staff over the weekend. This leak involved a series of threats about the students and the stolen data on the messaging app Telegram saying "We got them all" with a knife emoji.
Today, when I checked my bank account, this disturbing message greeted me:
Some deposits may be temporarily delayed
Some deposits from 11/03 may be temporarily delayed due to an issue impacting multiple financial institutions. Your accounts remain secure, and your balance will be updated as soon as the deposit is received. You do not need to take any action.
No need to panic as JPMorgan Chase quietly reveals:
…tens of billions of dollars in losses on securities, according to a new report on the company’s overall balance sheet.
The banking giant is now stuck with roughly $40 billion in unrealized bond losses as of Q3 of this year, which is a 20% rise over the previous quarter, reports Barron’s.
The new numbers were located in a footnote on the firm’s third-quarter financial supplement and were higher than an expected $34 billion loss.
The news follows a new quarterly report from Bank of America revealing it now has a total of $131.6 billion in unrealized losses.
With escalating wars destabilizing the planet, get ready to tighten your belt as the collapse of the global FIAT monetary system ushers in the CBDC solution. Don’t imagine for a minute that this means the banks will actually collapse or that those behind the seeming collapse will lose anything. It will all just morph into something else that gives the globalists more control and ownership over everything—and that includes control over all of us who are dependent on the system to sustain us.
If you need any proof of the rise of cryptocurrency and the fall of FIAT, you can find it from BlackRock’s CEO, Larry Fink:
…Larry Fink is focusing more on cryptocurrency investments. Fink has said that his company is taking a global approach to adopting digital asset investments.
In March, the executive also addressed the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and how this would affect the cryptocurrency market. He opined that the conflict would affect the purchasing power of fiat currencies and how this would increase the adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
BlackRock has invested $400 million in Circle, the company behind the USDC stablecoin.
The CEO of Circle, Jeremy Allaire, commented on the development, saying, “Dollar digital currencies like USDC are fueling a global economic transformation….”
A war against our youth is ongoing in the United States as fentanyl drug overdose deaths hit a record high.
Americans rally to protest against tragedies in far off lands yet cannot bring themselves to protest against the worst tragedies happening in their own neighborhoods. Over 100,000 people are now dying in the United States from fentanyl each year. This does not take into account all the people who do not die from it but are still slaves of it, making their lives hell on earth.
Only 1 in 10 Americans experiencing addiction currently get medical treatment. It is in our government’s interest to keep the populace addicted and they don’t care if it’s to legal or illegal drugs, as I point out in Hustling Humans.
The government’s answer to every health problem is not self-control and a change from bad habits to healthy ones. It is more drugs.
Safety Concerns Loom as Obesity Drugs Head to Clinical Trials in Kids as Young as 6
Pharmaceutical superpower Eli Lilly is trying out its weight loss drug tirzepatide in kids between 6 and 11 years old.
Danish drug maker Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer behind blockbusters Ozempic and Wegovy, is also testing its own anti-obesity medication on young kids between 6 and 12.
The list of serious side effects is raising questions about the drugs' long-term safety. Documented cases include:
Acute kidney injury
Gastroparesis or paralyzing of the stomach
Increased risk of gallbladder or biliary diseases
Suicidal thoughts
…the drugs may prevent developing kids from getting the proper amount of nutrients needed which could lead to a host of health diseases later in life. Prescriptions could lead to over-reliance setting kids up for a lifelong dependence in order to maintain weight control because rapid weight regain will most likely occur after their discontinuation.
Please! Step Away from the hate being fed to you on social media.
Although taking advice from one billionaire criticizing another isn’t my favorite thing to do, I agree with Altman who:
…blames the duo, along with TikTok CEO Shou Chew, for stoking divisions along racial, ethnic, religious and generational divides in ways that serve to dehumanize the suffering and deaths of innocents.
Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Threads or Twitter/X, engagement-farming algorithms calibrated to feed users continual doses of outrage to keep them scrolling are helping to entrench hatred, he says.
“Social media has been amplifying the hate for a decade as algorithms wind us up,” the CEO of hedge fund Pershing Square posted to Musk’s platform on Monday.
President Joe Biden unveiled his much-anticipated executive order on AI — a very long, though not particularly solution-driven, list of AI concerns and risk mitigation suggestions, organized into eight distinct areas of interest. Of these categories, the first-listed — and perhaps most targeted – is a section on "new standards for AI safety and security," which claims to direct the "most sweeping actions ever taken to protect Americans from the potential risks of AI systems."
We all know what “protect Americans” means. It means justification for more surveillance and monitoring, more data collection, and more restrictions on our freedoms.
A ‘world-first’ AI agreement at the UK's AI summit
The AI agreement
The Bletchley Declaration on AI safety is a statement signed by representatives and companies of 28 countries, including the US, China, and the EU. It aims to tackle the risks of so-called frontier AI models - the large language models developed by companies such as OpenAI.
The UK government called it a “world-first” agreement between the signatories, which aims to identify the “AI safety risks of shared concern” and build “respective risk-based policies across countries”.
Promises, promises.
“When one with honeyed words but evil mind
Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.” ― Euripides, Orestes
And that’s all for now, folks! Stay strong, do your push-ups and sit-ups, run, punch a boxing bag, take a Zumba class, go for a hike, anything that gets you out of that blasted chair, staring at a screen. Eat healthy, pray for courage and discernment, and yes, despite all the doom and gloom, thank God for the beauty and wonder of creation and all our blessings. There is always something to be thankful for.
All I can say is Maranatha.
As a mama too, I feel mighty sad fer all those girls in' I just learned of the need for armed guards at Jewish schools: . These young ladies are not ta blame fer the strife goin' on in the Middle East but fingers are already pointin' at 'em--sadly this will be their new normal. I'm so sad ta say you'll take a lotta grief fer not "goin' with the tide" Karen--so double blessin's fer speakin' yer mind. Frankly I think NetAn'Yahoo is a wretched criminal (Israelis are his victims an' not just with the Pffizer sell out--he's gotta lotta blood on his hands now), but fer some reason the crimes of THAT elected off-fish-all are blamed on "all Chews" vs Puppet NetAn'Yahoo an' his cabinet (the finger pointers 'specially blame ALL zionists as if they are all "one"--but regular "chews" in Israel are no more part've a plot to rule the world 'er do harm than fish are part've a devious plot to rule the sea... they came to have a safe place ta live, ignorant of some bad actors no doubt who may have had less than noble intentions). I sure don't wanna be blamed fer Biden's follies, many deadly (of course the entity known as "Joe" has blood on his hands too--plenty!) Thankfully our fambly left NYSeize ongoin' dangers purdy recently but what's goin' on has my timbers a' shivverin' cuz nobuddy's usin' their noggins' an' too many are too angry ta even try. Tryin' times indeed! Oh an' as fer that abomination in Vienna, it seems ta be part of the NWOdor to only promote ugly art that stinks... the older works had SO much beauty an' no AI kin create such things hence erasin' the beautiful so we git used ta the ugly (another tragedy). Best ta stay strong an' take them long walks 'fore Mister Gates fully blocks the sun!