Break Free News Update: August 2023
Christian Drag Queens; ESG Hoax; BRICS; Ukraine. And Trump "I'm looking for a verdict that will come from tens of millions of voters, not a jury of 12. Delivered at the ballot box, not in a courtroom”

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I took a couple of months off from publishing my Break Free News Updates. A lot has been going on. In April, I moved to Lake Arenal, Costa Rica, which was beautiful and wonderful and far from the madness. However, after a month of rejuvenation, I realized in order for me to write and fight this battle, I needed to be return to the belly of the beast. So, that’s what I did, and I am now working on a major story that will take another 8 months or so to complete. Occasionally, I will now be publishing stories that are more research-intensive and require a bit more submersion into the subject-matter. To that end, over the past few months, I’ve been working on a story about the Anthrax vaccine and the devastation it caused in one military woman’s life, which I anticipate publishing by the end of August.
As I warned (and I will keep warning) all the way back in my 2021 essay Utopian Madness, as we approach the 2024 elections, we are seeing an intensification of the waves of menticide inflicted upon us by Elites. The news stories are coming thick and fast, and it isn’t easy keeping up with them or choosing which ones to write about. With these updates, I look for the most interesting and relevant stories from a wide spectrum, and not just from alternative media, to keep my readers and listeners informed.
A quick note to say that my latest essay, WORLDCOIN: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human, was republished in Zero Hedge HERE and Off-Guardian HERE. If you haven’t read it yet, here’s two more ways to do it!
First up, since I wrote about country music star, Jason Aldean, and his song “Try that in a Small Town” and contrasted its message with that of Andrew Tate in his Tucker Carlson interview in my essay What is a Man?, I have to start with Drag Queen Flamy Grant’s ‘gospel’ song '“What Did You Drag Me Into”:
Words cannot express how angry this video makes me. It was hard to watch but I still did, and I hope you will, too. It expresses in visuals, in ways mere writing never could, the extremism they are trying to force us into that I wrote about in What is a Man?
The church in the video is filled with extremists who are unlikeable, close-minded, racist, transphobic. The drag queens have come to free them and their children so they can be their “true” selves.
Now, I should interject here that Jesus was compassionate and never turned anyone away. We should be like that, too. I am not here to judge anyone for their lifestyles—unless it hurts other people, especially children. This video isn’t about following Jesus’ example. It certainly isn’t about compassion. It’s about forcing us into extreme boxes.
Both of the worlds portrayed in the video are extreme, and we are being told we must live in one of the other of them—that there is no alternative. If we choose the world of the church, we are transphobic fascists. If we choose the world of the drag queens, we are part of a new way of living where we and especially our children will be FREE to be anything we want to be.
No matter how much pressure they exert or how they try to make us hate one another, we do NOT have to choose one extreme or the other just because they say we do! I, for one, will never submit to this kind of deceit and coercion. Not that they really care what I think or do. It’s the children they want to indoctrinate. Notice how it’s the children in the video who respond immediately to the drag queens with smiles and eyes that do not want to be hidden. It’s beyond horrible.
With mounting proof of corruption, will Joe Biden be put out to pasture at last, making way for the power-hungry psychopath, Gavin Newsom, to face-off against the embattled Donald Trump?
Jim Jordan on Monday published excerpts of the testimony given by Elvis Chan, who served as one of the FBI's liaisons with tech companies, and Laura Dehmlow, the current FBI section chief of the Foreign Influence Task Force.
Jordan said that Dehmlow revealed how the FBI knew the laptop was not a forgery or plant, but refused to confirm its authenticity to social media companies.
As a result, 'Twitter and Facebook censored the @nypost story.
'The Biden campaign secretly set in motion the events that led to the 51 former intel officials discrediting the story as Russian disinformation.'
Jordan and his allies are convinced that the FBI was working to discredit the story, in a bid to downplay it and help Joe Biden's electoral chances.
Michael Schellenberger’s PUBLIC report: New Facebook Files Expose Biden Censorship-For-Spying Scheme gives a comprehensive accounting:
The Biden White House did not violate the First Amendment when it requested that Facebook censor information on Covid’s origin and vaccine side effects, say many policymakers, journalists, and legal experts. Rather, White House officials were simply expressing their free speech rights, and Facebook executives were free to ignore White House requests.
But newly released internal emails show that Facebook executives felt pressure to comply with White House demands in order to resolve a European Union ban on the social media company’s ability to transfer the data of European users to its servers in the United States.
In July 2021, after a White House official demanded that Facebook censor more information, Facebook’s Vice President of Global Affairs and Communications, Nick Clegg, asked his colleagues to comply. The reason? Because of “the bigger fish we have to fry with the Administration — data flows etc…”
But as PUBLIC touches on in its first paragraph, it would be hard to prove the White House violated the First Amendment by “demanding” Facebook—or Twitter or anybody or anything else for that matter—do as it was told.
Even with all of this damning information coming out, is it possible we will actually see the rapidly deteriorating Joe Biden running for president, not from the basement as he did last time, but from a hospital bed in 2024? It’s hard to imagine that this puppet has any strings left for the elites to pull. But you never know.
Of one thing we can be fairly sure, the snakes on Capitol Hill, whether Republican or Democrat, all serve the elitist’s globalization agenda. This latest “bombshell” from the Republicans is just another circus act, no different from Sen. Rand Paul’s interrogation of Anthony Fauci about gain of function research (etcetera) in the infamous Wuhan Lab Incident, which Fauci pompously called egregiously incorrect.
You have to credit Rand Paul for his tenaciousness. The Republican Senator has announced an "official criminal referral" to the Department of Justice with regard to Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The Washington Examiner reports that Fauci and NIH scientists personally collect royalty payments from taxpayer-funded inventions. “In Senate hearings in 2022, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled Fauci on his NIH royalty payments, and he declined to answer questions. The immunologist deflected by suggesting that he ‘didn't understand’ what the senator was saying”.
In a special The Epoch Times Report, published August 10th, it is revealed that over $325 Million has been paid in Royalties to NIH Scientists from China and Russia Pharma Firms.
Where is Fauci now? Certainly not languishing in prison, guilty until proven innocent, like the January 6th “insurrectionists”. Fauci has joined the faculty at Georgetown University. His replacement at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Jeanne Marrazzo, promises not only to follow in his footsteps, but to cement all the draconian measures he imposed firmly into official policy.
Gavin Newsom running for president? His fundraising strategy signals White House aspirations
Newsom has repeatedly denied any interest in running for the nation’s highest office next year. But whether President Joe Biden wins or loses, there will be no Democratic incumbent in 2028. As governor of the nation’s largest state, the big winner of two elections and a recall, Newsom would be well-positioned for a White House run.
Newsom is raising a lot of money through PAC, saying it is “his way of fighting back against ‘rising authoritarianism’ and helping ‘elect leaders in 2024 who believe in democracy.’ Newsom seeded it with more than $10 million from his gubernatorial campaign account.
Isn’t it interesting how the most tyrannical leaders claim they are fighting against the very thing they are most guilty of.
Take a look at the MSM uni-voice and you will see headlines like this from the BBC: Is Trump running for president mostly to avoid prison?
It’s an interesting question that merits some thought. Of course that’s not the reason he is running for president. But as circumstances would have it, it is now a factor. Trump is in a race against the clock—literally. With the mounting court cases, the idea is to keep him from campaigning and the focus squarely on his alleged crimes.
Just today the Judge Tanya Chutkan warned Trump: ‘Inflammatory’ statements about election case could speed trial.
Being silenced on Twitter was nothing compared to how they are trying to silence Trump now. And no matter how you feel about the guy personally, it should worry you.
Donald Trump Faces Three Trials in One Month as Legal Cases Collide. He is now facing three Indictments and 78 Felony Charges, which means he could be facing a combined 561 years in prison.
Smith, whose office charged Trump with four felony offenses in relation to the alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 election, which the former president has pleaded not guilty to, requested that Trump's federal trial begins on January 2, 2024.
Trump, the frontrunner in the 2024 GOP Primary, condemned Smith's suggested trial date, noting it would arrive shortly before the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus on January 15.
Trump has already used at least $40m (£31m) in campaign donations to pay his legal fees. You don’t have to be a Trump supporter to find the whole witch hunt aspect disturbing.
But it seems like the more embattled Trump becomes, the bigger his fanbase grows. As the BBC article says, Trump is looking for a “verdict that will come from tens of millions of voters, not a jury of 12. Delivered at the ballot box, not in a courtroom”. He has said he will campaign from a prison cell if need be.
The ESG movement is being exposed as a dangerous con
The green finance craze is part of the same hollow crusade. Over the weekend, it emerged that Barclays has been using the “sustainable finance” badge to provide major funding to Shell. Laughably, the bank has classified a $10bn (£7.8bn) revolving credit facility it provided to Shell as “social and environmental financing”.
Barclays counted its share of the loan towards a target to deliver $150bn in social and environmental financing, according to analysis of the bank’s loan classification framework by this newspaper. It will do little to counter growing concern among regulators and ministers about corporate “greenwashing”.
It’s time to ask whether the ESG movement is little more than a con, and a potentially dangerous one at that.
Even Blackrock’s Larry Fink, who has pushed hard for ESG, has said he’s stopped using the 'weaponised' term ESG, according to a June 26th article in Reuters:
Republican politicians have attacked ESG as a way for the corporate world to implement what they argue is a politically liberal agenda, triggering a backlash from Democrats who are seeking to defend it.
The controversy has led to some Wall Street firms backing down on ESG commitments, with insurers abandoning a United Nations-backed climate alliance becoming the latest example last month. BlackRock has itself been the target of investigations by some Republican-controlled states, and even an investment boycott in Texas.
A horrifying new AI app swaps women into porn videos with a click
You don’t think about it when you post online photos of yourself—or your children for that matter—that they could be used to create porn and distributed across the planet, seen by untold numbers of men and used for their perverted sexual gratification.
As Noelle Martin, an Australian activist, described:
“It affects your interpersonal relations; it affects you with getting jobs. Every single job interview you ever go for, this might be brought up. Potential romantic relationships,” Martin says. “To this day, I’ve never been successful fully in getting any of the images taken down. Forever, that will be out there. No matter what I do.”
The research company Sensity AI estimates, between 90% and 95% of all online deepfake videos are nonconsensual porn, and around 90% of those feature women.
As the technology has advanced, numerous easy-to-use no-code tools have also emerged, allowing users to “strip” the clothes off female bodies in images…. The latest such site received over 6.7 million visits in August. It has yet to be taken offline.
The consequences for women and girls targeted by such activity can be crushing. At a psychological level, these videos can feel as violating as revenge porn—real intimate videos filmed or released without consent.
The Zelensky “Peace” Plan
After Jeddah, Moscow Rebuts US Claims That It Refuses to Hold ‘Meaningful’ Peace Talks
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the Arab League Summit in Jeddah in May, introducing the “Zelenskyy plan,” a 10-point initiative calling for the full withdrawal of Russian forces from all regions that Kyiv and its Western backers view as Ukrainian territory.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova described the plan as a “meaningless ultimatum to Russia” aimed at prolonging the conflict.
Russia now occupies 20% of Ukraine land and is not going to give it up. The one single thing that can stop the war is that the United States stops funding it.
Was the Wagner revolt a false flag, positioning the militia group in Belarus to attack Poland so Russia can say it had nothing to do with it?
With Finland’s acceptance into NATO, increasing drone attacks within Russia’s borders and western military build-up along its borders, the Moscow Times reports Russia Vows Response to ‘Threats’ on Western Border
Moscow on Wednesday accused Poland and Finland of threatening its border security and vowed to respond to “multiplying” risks from NATO member countries along Russia's western frontier.
Don’t forget China. Xi Jinping Likely To 'Bring War To The West,' Says Prominent China Hawk: 'He Will End Up Acquiring Taiwan By Force'
Kyle Bass, founder of U.S. investment firm Hayman Capital Management, told CNBC Tuesday that Xi is determined to "bring war to the West."
Xi, like Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, is not solely focused on potential economic consequences. "If you listen to what [Xi] says, I believe he will end up acquiring, reacquiring Taiwan by force by the end of next year," Bass said.
North Korea cannot be forgotten as Kim dismisses top general and calls for war preparations.
A new world order? BRICS nations offer alternative to West.
Predictions about the BRICS countries as the fastest growing economies haven't quite panned out. Instead, the alliance is now offering a diplomatic forum and development financing, outside of the Western mainstream.
Günther Maihold, deputy director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, or SWP has said that, "The BRICS countries are experiencing their geopolitical moment. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are trying to position themselves as representatives of the Global South, providing "an alternative model to the G7."
In 2014, with $50 billion (around €46 billion) in seed money, the BRICS nations launched the New Development Bank as an alternative to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
In THE FINAL SOLUTION: Central Bank Digital Currency, I explain how the United States in collaboration with the IMF (under the all-consuming umbrella of the United Nations) has a history of destabilizing weaker nations through war or other disasters, and then offering “help” through loans that indebt those nations forever.
According to its website, the IMF works to “foster global growth and economic stability by providing policy advice and financing the members by working with developing countries to help them achieve macroeconomic stability and reduce poverty.”
Just the opposite has proved to be true. Any nation refusing dependency upon the United Staes suffers the consequences. BRICS now offers an alternative to dependency on United States loans.
BRICS has created a liquidity mechanism called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement to support members struggling with payments.
More than 40 nations have expressed interest in joining BRICS. They want to fight for independence, but can they achieve their goal?
Recent comments from Alexander Babakov, the Chairman of Russia’s State Duma, expressed Russia’s intent to create a new, gold and commodity backed currency with its fellow BRICS member nations. Those nations include four of the world’s twelve largest economies.
According to GWLaw :
There are compelling reasons for the BRICS nations to establish a new reserve currency. The de-dollarization of the global market would insulate the BRICS nations from the threat of economic sanctions similar to the ones that the United States recently imposed on Russia and Iran. In addition, the U.S. dollar’s value has been volatile, and the BRICS nations may benefit from relying on a different, more predictable reserve currency. Perhaps most importantly, decreased global reliance on the U.S. dollar would weaken the United States’ geopolitical power. This would provide the BRICS nations with an opportunity to supplant the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency. Consequently, the BRICS nations could increase their influence.
These are nations with populations that are growing, while birth rates decline in western nations, due to breakdown of family, women in workforce, loss of traditional values, chemicals and drugs that adversely affect fertility, and the push to identify as LGBTQIA+. How many more letters can be added?
The National Bureau of Economic Research found that birth rates in the US have declined by nearly 20% since 2007, while the fertility rate has been below the replacement level for decades.
In contrast, Nigeria is set to Pass the U.S. as World's 3rd Most Populous Country by 2050.
The media narrative at the start of the war was that the entire world was on the side of the US against Russia. That has proved to be anything but true, yet most Americans do not realize it.
In March, China took advantage of US obsession with bleeding its citizens dry to fund the war in Ukraine and forged a peace agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the two most important countries in that region.
One more example of how insane humans have become, the New York Times announces:
Businesses Aim to Pull Greenhouse Gases From the Air. It’s a Gamble.
Occidental Petroleum and United Airlines are investing in a large “direct air capture” plant in Texas that will use fans and chemical agents to scrub carbon dioxide from the sky and inject it underground. Stripe and Shopify, two e-commerce companies, have each begun spending at least $1 million per year on start-ups working on carbon removal techniques, such as sequestering the gas in concrete for buildings. Microsoft will soon announce detailed plans to pay to remove one million tons of carbon dioxide.
I’m no scientist but some of those words are worrisome. Words like “chemical agents” and “injecting it underground” and “sequestering the gas in concrete buildings”.
And then there’s this:
CO2 scrubbing also requires a lot of energy. Not only does it require treating a high volume of gas (remember that only a small percentage of flue gas is actually CO2), but it has to compress the captured CO2 into a storable form -- a very energy-intensive process. So, ironically, capturing carbon actually ends up using its own share of fuel. New coal plants fitted with carbon capture may use anywhere from 24 to 40 percent more fuel than those not fitted with the technology, while retrofitted coal plants may use up to 77 percent more [source: Williams].
Just like in my essays Nickel: The Dirty Business of Clean Energy and The Magic of Rare Earth Elements & the Hypocrisy of Clean Energy due to their hypocrisy and greed, they will never solve these problems, all they will do is create bigger ones.
While drag queens seduce children in churches, Suicide deaths reached a record high in the US in 2022.
In this CNN article published yesterday:
More people died from suicide in the United States last year than any other year on record, according to provisional data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
At least 49,449 lives were lost due to intentional self-harm in 2022 — nearly 15 deaths for every 100,000 people.
Among children, COVID brought to a head what had been developing for years.
In the 10 years leading up to the pandemic, feelings of persistent sadness and hopelessness—as well as suicidal thoughts and behaviors—increased by about 40% among young people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System.
In addition to the social isolation and academic disruption nearly all children and teens faced, many also lost caregivers to COVID-19, had a parent lose their job, or were victims of physical or emotional abuse at home.
All these difficulties, on top of growing concerns about social media, mass violence, natural disasters, climate change, and political polarization—not to mention the normal ups and downs of childhood and adolescence—can feel insurmountable for those who work with kids.
Climate change, again! Diseases! Body dysphoria!
A big part of the problem is the menticide I talked about at the beginning. The experts can lament about rising suicides all they want but they will never admit that they are a big contributing factor. Children and adults are told constantly all the things that are wrong with them—and the only answer is another drug.
It's a disturbing world when no one respects the robots. Food delivery robots seemed like a good idea—until people started abusing them.
On Tik Tok One video from Film the Robots shows a man reaching into a bot cooler and grabbing food inside while a siren fills the streets with noise. Another video shows a man tipping over a robot on the sidewalk. A third features a half-naked woman sitting and rocking on top of a siren-wailing robot.
"Listen to him scream. No one respects him," wrote the TikTokker.
To end on a happier note, Woman, 101, who still works and drives has simple tips for long life
At 101, Jayne Burns still has a 9 to 5.
Decades after most people retire, she chooses to keep working and has been employed at her current job, cutting fabric at a Joann store in Mason, Ohio, for 25 years. Burns works part-time and says it’s one of the secrets of her longevity.
“You’ve got to keep moving and not sit around the house all day,” Burns, who was born in 1922, tells
“I just like working and I like working with people.”
Living an extremely long and healthy life may seem like it requires winning a genetic lottery, but longevity doesn’t run in Burns’ family. Her mother died of an aneurysm in her 40s and her father died when he was 65.
“So I don’t know what it is, but I’m still here,” Burns says. “I wish I knew what it was.”
Bryan Johnson, the millionaire I wrote about in To Live Forever who spends $2 million a year trying to figure out how to live longer and look younger, could take a few lessons from Jayne. Johnson employs an army of 30 doctors and regenerative health experts, starts his day with two dozen medicines and supplements and monitors every single bodily function.
Maybe Jayne’s just content. She likes working and she likes people.
Maybe it’s as simple as that.
After reading this article I can understand the rise in suicide. Cognitive dissonance will do that, just as feeling helpless and hopeless. I admit that at times I would like to throw in the towel too. Sometimes I have to decompress and take a few days off to regenerate my batteries. I think it helps me to realize the world has always been a evil place ran by corruption. Because of modern technology we are just more aware and know more. The evilness may have a different face and name, but its ancestors have always existed. My focus is on not adding more misery to the mix, and that's one tough job.
Wow Karen you really stepped back into the belly of the beast, from the laptop from hell to the Ukraine war.
What a huge change the world would see if the msm stopped their cia propaganda and did some real journalism like you just laid out. It would take some time for the brainwashed masses to come around because it’s easier to accept a lie than to accept you’ve been lied to.
I couldn’t watch the first video about the drag queens after reading your description of it. I guess I can bare being called a transphobic racist as I feel transgender ideology is really a mental illness and promoted by the western marxist agenda.
The most worrying part is NATOs push for war with Russia and China. Peace does not seem an option. War with two nuclear armed countries is like playing with fire. One wrong move and a trigger happy mistake can destroy the world. I feel their are military commanders that think we can beat Russia if the war goes nuclear. What has happened to the human race. This is why I support RFK Jr for president as he is the only one talking peace starting with immediate dialog with President Putin.
And I know this reply is long and could be very long ..... In the Lords Prayer it says we must forgive others but it doesn’t say we have to like or accept them. So I’ll forgive all the deep state for pushing the world into this craziness which is leading us to pods and bugs by forgiving them as everything is Gods creation (Our Father) but I won’t accept their garbage especially when pushed on children. Jesus didn’t accept the hawkers in the synagogue.
I am on the side of God in this Spiritual war for our minds and consciousness.
BTW - I thought everyone in Costa Rica had to have the jab. Was I misinformed?